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I Won an Award & It's My Birthday!!

Remember the People's Choice Blog Awards that Steph at Hey, Teenager of the Year was hosting? I was voted Best Reviewer! Thanks everyone-I think everyone on the list is an awesome blogger, so congrats to all the nominees and other winners. Be sure to check out the whole list on Steph's blog.
Today is my birthday! I'm heading out to see the Star Trek movie with my family-I've already seen it, but they haven't, so I'm excited to see it with them. Then we'll probably head back home and enjoy some cake, since you can't have a birthday without cake!
Since it's more fun to celebrate with others, I'll be hosting a contest soon, so stay tuned!! Happy start of summer everyone!:)


  1. WOO! Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful day!

  2. Congrats again on the award and Happy Birthday!!

  3. Woot congrats! I want to hear what you think of Star Trek, pretty please? I've heard great things about it! Happy birthday!

  4. Congrats on the award and Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoy the Star Trek movie!

  5. Best Reviewer? That is so awesome (I'm so glad I'm a subscriber). Congradulations and Happy Birthday!

  6. Happy Birthday and Congrats!!

  7. Happy Birthday, Sarah! I voted for you. That's an award totally well-deserved, seeing as this is one of my favorite blogs!

  8. Congrats, that's awesome and Happy Happy Birthdayyy!


  9. Happy birthday! Congrats on the award too - you totally deserve it! May I say that I am so jealous that you're getting to watch Star Trek again. :) I hope you have a great day!

  10. Congratulations on the award and happy birthday!

  11. Congratulations! I have to admit that the People's Choice Blog Awards are what directed me to find your blog and I'm really glad I did. Also, happy birthday!


  12. Congrats and happy belated birthday :D

  13. Happy Birthday and that is great about the award!

  14. Happy Belated Birthday!

    It was my hubby's birthday too. :)

    Hope it was good. Congrats on the award!

  15. Hope it was a wonderful day filled w/ books, romance, fun & cake!


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