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The Luxe by Anna Godbersen-TEEN

Rating: 5/5 Stars

About the Book: It's 1899, Elizabeth Holland is the sweetheart of upper class New York society and we're about to attend her funeral. Was it murder or an innocent accident? The Holland family comes from old money and has helped rule the upper class. But they are facing a financial crisis and the only way to save the family is for Elizabeth to marry Henry Schoonmaker. Things would be perfect if the pair actually loved each other. Elizabeth's frenamie, Penelope has her eyes on Henry and will do anything to keep him and Elizabeth has a secret lover of her own.

GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: Full of fashion, intrigue, gossip and glamour The Luxe is a guilty pleasure. I have to admit that I've become addicted! Romance and mystery make this a fast paced read that you won't be able to put down. With lots of characters and various storylines that all weave together, there's something for every reader. The Luxe is the first in a series, so there's more upper class gossip to come. History has never been this much fun!


  1. I just finished reading this book, and I absolutely loved it! I'm glad you did to. I can't wait for Splendor to be released!


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