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Teen Book Mania

My library is hosting it's first teen author event next Saturday June 5. Teen Book Mania will be held at 2pm and features four YA authors: Brent Crawford, Jenny B Jones, Brian Katcher and Holly Schindler. There will be Q&A session as well as a book signing.

If you're in SW MO (or want to drive!) and would like more info on the event, send me an e-mail and I'll give you more info.

I'm also looking for good author questions to ask for our author Q&A, so if you have any favorite author panel questions, let me know!


  1. I would love to go, but I'm working back home in St. Louis for the summer. I will be returning to Springfield in the fall though, and I plan to drop by the library sometime then to say hi! :)

  2. WOW! How exciting. I hope it goes well Sarah. I'd love to do something like this at my library so if you have any tips about organizing such an event, I'd love to hear them.

  3. That sounds like a terrific event--maybe you can plant some questions with the teens in case they're shy to get started. I always like to ask what the author has on their nightstand to read--they've always got an answer for that one!

    Maybe a teen could ask how they think being a teenager now is different from being a teenager when they were in high school....

  4. Can't wait to see you!!! It's gonna be fun!

  5. I went to my first author event two weeks ago and it was fantastic. If you were near by, I'd be there. Have a great time.


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