But I really want to work on a few things on my blog and bloggiesta really is the most perfect time to do it! I don't have a bunch of goals, but the ones I have I think are manageable in my limited time this weeked. For bloggiesta I'm going to:
-Update my review list-I haven't added several months of reivews to my master list and it really needs updating!
-Cross-post reviews on Amazon and Goodreads-I've been failing at this and need to do an update
-Write up some program and librarian posts to use for a future date
-Start putting together a reading challenge I've been thinking about for awhile
I've got to share one tip I already learned from this event-Feed Demon is a free RSS reader that lets you comment in the reader. It also sincs up with Google Reader, which is how I currently read the blogs in my reader. Instead of having to scroll through every post, it gives you a snapshot of all the posts in that folder which I love. So far it's made things a million times easier!! There's also Grease Monkey,which is an add on for Firefox that does the same thing, so I highly recommend using one. I'd heard about them before and I'm glad I finally downloaded it and started using it! Thanks to Danielle at There's a Book for the tip!
Are you participating in bloggiesta?
I saw you and Danielle talking about the commenting in the reader thing but I have been debating on using it. I'm always in my reader and rarely go to the actual blogs unless it's to comment. So not putting together the theme of the blog and the content all the blogs start to blend together. So I figured if I force myself to visit the actual blog when leaving a comment I'll start remembering which ones are my favorites. lol.
ReplyDeleteGreat point Deb! It does make it nice when you go to the blog and have a layout to put with it so you can remember which ones you like. I think I'll end up using both-the Feed Demon will be amazing if I can use it at work to read some of my blogs there!
ReplyDeleteI guess if I read my Google Reader more than once every blue moon, I wouldn't have missed Bloggiesta. It's such a worthwhile event though, that it's good to look over the lists even after the even and spruce up the ol' blog!