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Heartbeat by Elizabeth Scott Blog Tour PLUS Giveaway

I love Elizabeth Scott, so I am of course so excited about her newest release, Heartbeat. Just check out the amazing cover:

Front Cover

Back Cover

About the Book: 
Emma would give anything to talk to her mother one last time. Tell her about her slipping grades, her anger with her stepfather, and the boy with the bad reputation who might be the only one Emma can be herself with.
But Emma can’t tell her mother anything. Because her mother is brain-dead and being kept alive by machines for the baby growing inside her.
Meeting bad-boy Caleb Harrison wouldn’t have interested Old Emma. But New Emma—the one who exists in a fog of grief, who no longer cares about school, whose only social outlet is her best friend Olivia—New Emma is startled by the connection she and Caleb forge. Feeling her own heart beat again wakes Emma from the grief that has grayed her existence. Is there hope for life after death—and maybe, for love?

Praise for Heartbeat

“An intense examination of a family coping with grief, this absorbing character study easily keeps pages turning.”

— Kirkus on Heartbeat
Credit: Matt Mendelsohn 
ELIZABETH SCOTT grew up in a town so small it didn’t even have a post office, though it did boast an impressive cattle population. She’s sold hardware and panty hose and had a memorable three-day stint in the dot-com industry, where she learned that she really didn’t want a career burning CDs. She lives just outside Washington, D.C., with her husband, and firmly believes you can never own too many books.
Want to read Heartbeat? As part of the Heartbeat blog tour, readers will have a chance to win 1 of 5 ARCs of Heartbeat-fill out the rafflecopter below to enter!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I want to read Heartbeat because I work in teen library services, and I love reading YA and then passing it along to "my" teens here!

  2. Glad to see this post because I hadn't heard about HEARTBEAT. I hope to win so I can share it with my students.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I just finished this book and posted a review on it today!! It was so good. I got a digital copy from Netgalley. I's love a physical copy though.


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