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Blog Tour: Wish by Alexandra Bullen

Rating: 3.5/5 Stars

Genre: Contemporary/Fantasy

Release Date: 1/12/2010

About the Book: Olivia's twin sister Violet died seven months ago. Violet was the outgoing one, the sister everyone loved and without her Olivia is fading into the background. Her family has moved to San Francisco and Olivia feels lost without her sister to guide her. When a magical gown shows up at Olivia's door and Olivia wishes her sister back, she suddenly finds Violet (or at least her ghost) by her side.

With Violet back, Olivia feels like she can live again. The girls get two more dresses and two more wishes. If you could wish for anything, what would you wish for?

GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: I though Wish was a cute novel. It might not be the most literary novel or the deepest, but it's cute and sweet and that's ok with me.

I really liked Olivia. I was happy to see a character who was shy and not immediately popular at school. She was struggling to move on after her sister's death and dealing with her family's withdrawl and her emotions were believable. I felt for her and wanted to reach through the pages and hug her and be her friend.

I also enjoyed the supporting cast of characters, especially Bowie, who is incredibly spunky and funny-I'd love to meet her! And I liked how even though Calla is the popular beautiful girl, you don't hate her and she's not a mean girl.

There's a good mix of romance, friendship and a touch of fantasy. It took a few chapters for the story to really get moving, but once it did, I really enjoyed this one. It's the perfect book to curl up and read-it's a warm fuzzy, sweet book that is full of magic.

Full disclosure: ARC recieved from publisher for blog tour

Stay tuned for an interview with author Alexandra Bullen and a chance to win a signed copy of Wish.

Wish Official Site

Alexandra Bullen's Blog


  1. i love to read cute stories from time to time. sounds really nice <3

  2. Great review! This book does look cute so I'm glad you agreed with that. I have it in my TBR pile so I wonder what I'll think of it..

  3. I don't think this book would be a good fit for me, but I must say that I think the cover art is quite magical and it really draws you in.

    Thanks for the review! I'm glad to know of it.

  4. I want this book.
    I LOVE cute books. Especially where magic is involved.


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