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A Random News Post

-First off, my exciting news of the day: I wrote an article for VOYA and it was published in the February 2010 issue. The article is about blogging books and generating buzz through social media. VOYA is the best resource for teen librarians out there and I was thrilled to get the chance to write about book blogs.

-The cover art for Dark Flame by Alyson Noel was released. I think this is my favorite of all the covers so far. The model looks just like how I picture Ever to look and I'm glad to see full faces on the cover this time instead of faces being blocked by some mystical object. I don't want to post the synopsis in case you haven't read the other books in the series, but be sure to check them out. What do you think of this cover?
-First Bloomsbury said they would change the cover of Magic Under Glass and now Little Brown is changing the covers of the Mysterious Benedict Society. The Mysterious Benedict Society featured a dark skinned character on the inside illustrations, but on the cover he was bleached out. I'm glad they're changing it, but I'm sad that it took so long to get noticed. This was even a book club pick for Al's Book Club on the Today Show, so you'd think it would have been seen by someone. I'm glad they listened and are changing the covers now.
-And I really hate book challenges, but this one has to be the most ridiculous one I've ever seen. The dictionary has been banned because of the "bad words" that it contains. Really?? I don't even know what to say.


  1. Lol, BANNING the dictionary?!


    Congrats on the Voya post! And I'm glad they're changing the covers :)

  2. I'll look for the VOYA article when we get it in my library. Way to go!

  3. Hooray! Congrats on the article, dear! I will track it down!

  4. What!!Banning dictionary's is really taking it to another level..There should be a ban on bans now.

    Tops all craziness!

    The cover for Dark Flame is really good..

  5. Choco-Thanks for the congrats!:) I agree-banning the dictionary is crazy!

    Michelle-Thanks-I hope you like it!


    Shewta-There should be a ban on bans after this-it's the craziest thing I've ever heard! And the Dark Flame cover is awesome!

  6. awesome about VOYA - I'll be sure to check it out.

  7. Ooooh very exciting about VOYA. Way to go! Love the new cover for Alyson's book. I still haven't gotten around to reading Shadowland. Have they said when the next one will be out? Just curious.


  8. Nely-I believe Dark Flame will be out in July. Shadowland wasn't my favorite, but it still had an ending that left me wanting to read more!

  9. Congrats on the article! I'll look for it when my library copy of VOYA comes in.

  10. WOW! Congrats on getting published in VOYA. I just discovered that mag a few months ago. Very very cool!

  11. Thanks Jenny! VOYA is a great resource-I use it all the time!

  12. Oh no, I hadn't heard about the dictionary thing. I'm a teacher, mother, author, reader, wife, sister, so many things! I have realized in my years that the zealots fight while the ultra-conservatives laugh. Here's hoping that us in the middle both laugh and fight!

  13. Eeeep! CONGRATS on getting your article in VOYA, Sarah -- that is amazing and I cannot *wait* for my February issue to get here to read it!


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