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Tween Tuesday: Wordless Picture Books

Tween Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted here at GreenBeanTeenQueen to highlight great reads for tweens! Join the fun and add your link below.

I love wordless picture books and I've come across several since working in the children's department at my library. Wordless picture books are great for tweens-especially if they think they've grown out of picture books. (But really, who ever grows out of picture books?:) They can tell their own stories and tweens will look for details in the story that younger readers might not catch. Here are some of my favorite wordless picture books.

Tuesday by David Wiesner

-I loved this book when I was a tween. I would pour over the artwork on each page and look at every little thing. The pictures are beautiful and the story of frogs taking flight on lilypads was something my tween self thought was hilarious. (OK, my adult self thinks it's hilarious too!) I also love Wiesner's Flotsam.

The Boys by Jeff Newman

-The Boys is the story of a young boy who moves to a new place and is afraid to join the baseball game he sees going on in the park, and ends up finding help from the old men on the parkbench. This book reminds me of a Pixar animated short. It's sweet and charming and very funny.

The Umbrella by Ingrid Schubert & Deiter Schubert

-A dog finds an umbrella that whisks him away on a worldwide adventure. The illustrations are wonderful and the story is so fun. I love how there is so much that you can add to the story-readers will have fun making up their own versions of how the dog gets everywhere. My version of this story was very different than Mr. GreenBeanSexyMan's!:)

Animals Home Alone by Loes Riphagen

-This one is a wordless picture book that's also somewhat like a seek and find. When a family leaves for the day, the animals are home alone-and you never know what they might do! There are multiple storylines for each animal, so you can read this book many different times and get a new story. There are also lots and lots of details to look for and there's a page of "did you find" in the back, so readers can go back and find things they may have missed the first time around.

Any other wordless picture books to add to the list?


  1. What a great idea! I would not have thought about worldless picture books for tweens but it sounds like it would work perfectly!

  2. My first experience with a wordless picture book was David Weisner's Flotsam, and I loved it! The Umbrella sounds especially cute! I may have to go dig these up at my library!

  3. Tuesday is awesome! It inspired my oldest daughter's first book she tried to write when she was 7. I think she called it, "The Frogs Fly Tonight."

    She loved Tuesday!


  4. I love wordless picture books. I can't remember if Tomie dePaolo's Pancakes for Breakfast is wordless, but i think it's nearly wordless (and cute!).

  5. I loved wordless books as a child. I would, of course, write my own words to the story. They were no good. I remember one call The Silver Pony or something on those lines. It was always very popular in my school library!

  6. Good night, Gorilla by Peggy Rathmann is nearly wordless and one of my favorites.

  7. There's another one I really love called Flotsam. (yeah I know weird name) Great Idea! :)


  8. The Arrival by Shaun Tan is wordless and it will leave you speechless. ;)

    Here it is on Amazon.

  9. Thanks so much for your recommendations of wordless picture books. I stumbled upon your blog after a good search of wordless picture books as I was updating my list of wordless books for our classroom. I'm so glad I did as I enjoyed reading through your posts and recommendations.

    I tried adding my listmania list from Amazon through the linky. Though I've linked in this manner with a blog, I'm not sure if it will accept the listmania. Let's hope so. Here's the link

    I'll be stopping by again.


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