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Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi PLUS Giveaway

Rating: 3.5/5 Stars

Genre: Dystopian/Superhero/Adventure/Science Fiction

Release Date: 11/15/2011

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About the Book: Juliette is dangerous. Her touch can kill. The Reestablishment locked her up for murder and she's been in isolation and hasn't spoken to anyone for 264 days. Until The Reestablishment decides they want to use Juliette and her powers. She could be the ultimate weapon. But there are murmurings of war, of rebellion. Juliette must decide just where her loyalties lie-be a weapon or be a warrior.

GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: Shatter Me is an exciting debut that will be a great book to booktalk to fans of romantic adventure stories. The book keeps getting compared to the X-Men and it's easy to see why-Juliette has special powers and she's viewed as a strange being (much like a mutant). While there is a dystopian setting, but the dystopian aspects are very light. There are lots of questions left unanswered about the dystopian world Juliette lives in, The Reestablishment, and how the world got to where it is. (Maybe these will be answered in books two and three as this is the start to a trilogy). So if you have hardcore dystopian fans, they may be disappointed in the lighter dystopian setting.

If you have romance fans, on the other hand, give this book to them now. Juliette and Adam have a steamy romance that is sure to please fans of epic romances. Juliette and Adam share a past, but there's still a bit of insta-love. There's also a lot of concentration on the romance aspect (I think there were just as many adventure scenes as there were make out scenes!) so make sure you have readers that want a book heavy in the romance and lighter on the dystopian. Not that I disliked this, (I like romance in my stories) but I wasn't expecting it to be such a heavy part of the story.

Even though there is a lot of romance, the book is still action packed and there are several memorable scenes that are just the right blend of action, adventure and creepy dystopia. Juliette and Adam were engaging enough to keep me reading-I liked learning about Juliette's powers and her story. I also found the strikeouts throughout the book that supposedly tell Juliette's inner thoughts to be an interesting plot device and I liked getting that extra peek into what Juliette was really thinking.

The character that was the real standout to me and what made me really enjoy the book was Warner. Warner is the "evil bad guy" to the story and man is he a creep! I thought of him as a cross between Lucius Malfoy and President Snow, so you can imagine what a crazy bad guy he is! We don't know much about Warner, but he made my skin crawl and he was so creeptastic that I loved it. (That doesn't make me weird, right?) I want to read more just because I want to know what he'll do next and how exactly Juliette plans to take him down.

The end of the book is very much a set up for the sequel, so readers will be left hanging with lots of questions. Shatter Me is a page turner that is sure to leave readers wanting more.

Book Pairings: The Quantum Prophecy by Michael Carroll, Hourglass by Myra McEntire

Full Disclosure: Reviewed from finished copy sent by publicist

Want to win a copy?
One lucky winner will receive a copy of Shatter Me!
-Must be 13+
-US Shipping Address (no P.O. boxes)
-Contest ends November 30, midnight, CT

Leave comment below to enter-good luck!


  1. Thanks for the giveaway! I've been dying to read this :)

  2. this sounds good. I've been wanting to read it.

  3. ohhh a free book!

    I read the first 20 pages on and I've been dying to finish it. Silly library doesn't have it yet and with Christmas so close, I can't buy it. A

    All that to say, I would love to win this. :)


    ps. are you going to see Hugo today? I can't wait to watch it!

  4. Katie-Yay-I'm glad I could help out-good luck!:)

    I'm not going to see Hugo today-I'm trying to decide between The Muppets and Hugo! But I want to see it soon-they had a preview of it here-on a night I worked, so I didn't get to go, but my co-workers did and they said it was good!!

  5. I'm only seeing good things about this book! Looking forward to it.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Thanks for the giveaway. Since it's dystopia light I might actually like it. I'm more of a romance person than a dystopia one. Although I don't like poorly developed world building.

    alisoncanread at gmail dot com

  8. I've heard intriguing reviews of this. Would love to win :)

    jpetroroy at gmail dot com

  9. would love to win! almost finished with Inheritance by Christopher Paolini and in the market for a new book!

  10. Thanks for hosting the giveaway. Sounds like a great book!

  11. Thanks for the giveaway! I'm really looking forward to reading this!

  12. I followed Tahereh before she got published. It's been so exciting to watch her progress! Glad her book has turned out to be a success! (I will fully admit to my jealousy of her 6 figure contract with Harperteen and a movie deal already though...;p)

  13. I've read such good reviews for this book. I want to read it.


  14. This sounds really good! Thank you for the giveaway!
    mittens0831 at aol dot com

  15. This sounds really interesting! I immediately thought of Rouge from X-men as well, but I'd love to read Tahereh Mafi's take on the whole touch and die thing. Plus the cover is pretty cool. :)

  16. Thanks for the review! I'm a recently hired teen librarian and I'll have to add this title to my list.

  17. I'd love a chance to read this book thanks!

    unforgetable_dreamer_always (at) hotmail (dot) com

  18. I got this book on an ARC tour and LOVED IT. Unfortunately, I had to send it back :( It would be fabulous if I could win a copy!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I was hoping for a bit more of a dystopian focus, but Shatter Me still sounds like a great read.

    whatinabox at gmail dot com

  21. Have seen a couple good reviews of this around. Thanks for the chance to win!

  22. I've started to see the mixed reviews trickle in for this book. I'm really curious to see how I'll react. Sounds promising.

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  23. Hm. Your 3.5 rating is a bit upsetting, but I've seen so many good reviews... I hope I can judge for myself! Thanks for the giveaway. :)


  24. I have heard so many great things about this book! Thank you for the great giveaway!

  25. Thanks for the review. I know just the students who will love this if I get lucky and win. :)


  26. Thanks for the giveaway--I've heard really good things about Shatter Me!


  27. I want this so badly. Thanks for the chance. Happy Turkey Day.


  28. Hmm, I really want to read Shatter Me, but am kind of nervous now since you mentioned that there's a more romance in it then I had first thought there was going to be.

    Thanks for the great review and giveaway. =)


  29. I have been wanting to read this one! It sounds like it's gonna be good. Thanks for the chance to win.

  30. I've been intrigued by this one for awhile! I'd love to read it.

  31. Thanks for the giveaway!

  32. I'd love to win this and add to my school library!

  33. please count me in! i really want to read Shatter Me. :) thanks for the giveaway!


  34. Lucias and Snow, this man must be evil. I can't wait to read more.

    Findjessyhere at gmail dot com

  35. Definitely count me in!! I've had my eye on this book since the first time I saw it!! Thanks so much for the giveaway:)

    jwitt33 at live dot com

  36. I want to read this so bad! Lol thanks for the giveaway!

  37. I would love to win this book!! Thanks!

    widsfam7 @ digis dot net

  38. Only a 3.5 really? huh. Thanks for the give away


  39. Hm... I've been hearing a lot of good things about this book, and I want to see what the excitement's about. Thanks for the giveaway!

  40. I'd LOVE to win this!

    ccfioriole at gmail dot com

  41. I've been dying to read this, and my library doesn't have it. I'd love to be entered to win.


    Clementinebojangles [at] gmail [dot] com

  42. There's been so much hype about this book that I really want to know what it's all about! :D
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  43. I am not a huge fan of dystopian lit. That said, I did really enjoy The Hunger Games and I have heard great things about the Maze Runner series which makes me want to give it a try. I also enjoy a healthy does of romance when I read. I might have to add this to my list for between the semesters.

  44. I absolutely LOVE dystopian - the more I've read in this amazing sub genre the more I'm addicted lol

    Thank you for such a sweet giveaway, I'm drooling to read this :D

    zenrei57 (at) hotmail dot com

  45. I read the first 60-something pages on HarperTeen and I went from :) to :D to :DDD in a matter of like three sentences. Thanks for this chance. [:

  46. I've been wanting to read this one for so long! Thank you for the giveaway and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

    twilightforever.edward at gmail dot com

  47. I've been wanting to read this one. Thanks for the giveaway.

  48. Thank you for hosting the giveaway! And...I don't know if you've seen Hugo yet, but I do highly recommend it. :)

  49. oops, and my email is nonierakiran (at) gmail (dot) com!

  50. I haven't heard that people are comparing this to X-Men, but that's pretty awesome! And I love how you describe Warner being a cross between Malfoy and Snow. He must be so creepy! Thanks for the giveaway!

    Sarah L
    two_of_hearts_101 at yahoo dot com

  51. This book sounds great! My email is amorrow (at) ellsworth (dot) lib (dot) me (dot) us


  52. I've been wanting to read this one. Thanks for the giveaway contest!

  53. The hype! The reviews! I really want to read Shatter Me! (extemter at hotmail dot com)

  54. Thanks a bunch!


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