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Tween Tuesday: Masters of Diasaster by Gary Paulsen

Tween Tuesday is a weekly meme (or somewhat weekly, since my committee work has taken over!) to highlight great reads for tweens. Join the fun, add your link below and discover a new tween read.
Rating: 3/5

Stars Genre: Contemporary/Humor

Release Date: 8/10/2010

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About the Book: When Henry decides that he and his friends Riley and Reed are too boring, he comes up with an endless supply of activities that will make them interesting and hopefully break some world records. Henry is the mastermind of the adventures, Reed the recorder, and Riley somehow always ends up being roped into actually participating in the stunts. From biking off a roof, bull riding and trying to solve an old possibly murder mystery, Henry, Riley and Reed are in for some of the craziest adventures they've ever had.

GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: I originally downloaded this audiobook from my library for two reasons: 1) It was narrated by Nick Podehl and 2) It was short. Both were total wins for me. I'm glad I decided to listen to, because while I'm sure it's a fun read, it's hilarious as an audiobook!

Nick Podehl creates various voices for every character which makes listening to this one very fun. I especially loved Riley's voice-somewhat whiny and squeaky and perfectly prepubescent. Every time Riley cried out "Call 911!!!" I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Give this one (book or audio) to tweens wanting a funny book. Henry's ideas get more outrageous and creative as they go on and tweens are sure to be laughing along at each adventure-especially since Riley always somehow ends up in something extremely smelly! A humorous, quick read that is sure to please.

Book Pairings: Project Sweet Life by Brent Hartinger, Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney, Alvin Ho Series by Lenore Look

Full Disclosure: Reviewed from audibook I downloaded from my local library


  1. The cover is amazing - I know tween boys who would gravitate towards this one! thanks for sharing :)

  2. I love audiobook! This one will have to be added to my list!

  3. Ooo--I like the book pairings. Sort of like wine pairings! Though I'm not sure wine would go w/MG fic. You'd probably need soda or juice, LOL!

  4. Jennifer-It does have a great cover!

    Karen-The audio is awesome. Nick Podehl is one of my favorites.

    Ilana-haha-Yes, soda for the MG crowd :)


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