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My ALA 2015 Awards Predictions

So I'm going to try my best to share my predictions and we'll see how close I can get (probably not close at all!) Here are my predictions (and hopes!) for Monday morning:

Caldecott Prediction:

I wish I had come across this one when I was making my Mock Caldecott list because it would have made our final list for sure. If I was on the committee, this is one I would be championing for-the texture, the use of words in the art, the collage style-it's all fantastic.

Honor Books:

I think this may be a strong year for honor books and we may end up with quite a few depending on how the committee discussion and voting shakes down. 

I think this wordless book will be getting some love.

The detail! It's gotta count for something!

Caldecott Dark Horse:

I have two possible dark horses this year:

I've only recently been seeing Flashlight crop on other Mock lists. When this one came across my desk, myself and all of my staff immediately said Caldecott! I hope we're right!

Photography never does well in award discussions, but if any book can do it, I think Viva Frida can!

Newbery Prediction

No surprise there-I think Brown Girl Dreaming is a shoe-in for the top title.

Honor Books:

Maybe it's just because I adored this book and am attached to it personally, but I really would love to see Snicker get honored!

It would be great to see a book featuring an average kid and the writing here is above average!

Fantasy for the win please! I think Glass Sentence has fantastic world building that could help this one in the final push for an honor.

Newbery Dark Horse:

Please, please, please can a graphic novel win this year???

Last year showed us that beginning chapter books have a chance and if any early chapter book has a shot, I think Dory Fantasmagory can lend itself to some fantastic discussion. I would love to hear critical discussion about this one!

Printz Prediction

This one is tough because I think it's a close call between two books, but I think in the end it will be Grasshopper Jungle.

Honor Books: 

I think Glory O'Brien's History of the Future is the other book that could end up winning and it's a close call, but I think one will be the winner and one will be an honor book. I would love to see both with shiny stickers on them!

Andrew Smith is a powerhouse writer and I think he can pull of an epic Printz Win and Honor this year!

If we see any non-fiction honored this year by the Printz committee, I think it will the Romanovs. 

Printz Dark Horse:

I had a hard time thinking of a Printz Dark Horse just because I think the contenders are so strong this year. But if I had to pick one, I think would go with:

What are your predictions this year? Anything I left out?


  1. I hope Greenglass House gets some Newbery recognition!

  2. I'm so happy to see Glory make your list. I loved that one and didn't think it got enough attention. I'm also glad to NOT see We Were Liars on your list. It keeps popping up as a contender on other lists but I thought it was seriously flawed.

    1. Oh I know! So many flaws that saw with Liars and I hope the committee sees them as well, which I'm sure they will be discussing, after multiple readings. I just don't think it stands up at all.

  3. Had to stop and see what's on your list. Glad A Snicker of Magic was because I really loved it. Now we'll have to see if you're right.

  4. I would love to see Absolutely Almost take an honor! I just adored that book. I agree that I see Brown Girl Dreaming as a shoe-in (and would be shocked if it didn't win). I'd also love to see an honor for Esther Ehrlich's Nest, but I feel like I haven't seen much discussion about that one.


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