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Tune In Tuesday

It's the first Tuesday of the month, which means it's time for Tune In Tuesday. Tune In Tuesday where I share (and invite others to share) some of their favorite music to use in storytime and library programs-or just for fun!

This month's featured artist: Koo Koo Kangaroo! Really, this just goes to show that I should listen to the other youth services staff at our other branches when they suggest music. Our library has hosted Koo Koo Kangaroo in concert twice, but I sadly missed the shows both times. Then Ingrid at Magpie Librarian posted her toddler dance party playlist and it had an awesome song from Koo Koo Kangaroo and I just knew I had to include them in my upcoming dance party too!

I used Dinosaur Stomp:

I love that there's even a video you can share with dance moves if you wanted. I might do that in storytime sometime, but I didn't set up the video for the dance party. I just used the moves and got the kids dancing, stomping and chomping. I thought maybe it would be a bit long for my younger kids, but they loved it and had a blast stomping around. And all that stomping and chomping is a workout! This song would also pair well with Laurie Berkner's We Are the Dinosaurs for a dinosaur theme.

I also really love Wiggle It which is another great one to use with little kids and older kids alike!


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