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My Soul to Take & My Soul to Save by Rachel Vincent

Rating: 4/5 Stars

Genre: Paranormal

Release Date: My Soul to Take: 8/1/2009, My Soul to Save: 12/29/2009

About the Books: Kaylee has an uncontrollable urge to scream when she can sense that someone hear her is about the die. When girls at school start to randomly die, Kaylee is the only one who knows who will be next.

In My Soul To Save, when pop star Eden suddenly dies, Kaylee doesn't scream. And she can't scream for someone who has no soul. When Kaylee and her boyfriend Nash discover fame hungry teens are selling their souls to the Netherworld, they know they have to stop the evil Netherworld from collecting more innocent souls.

GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: Just when I think I'm feeling burnt out on paranormal, I come across books that make me want to start reading the genre again!
I really enjoyed the mythology that Rachel Vincent created. I thought the storyline was unique and a refresher from the typical creatures that keep appearing in paranormal lit. I also really loved that the action picked up pretty quickly, and even though it took Kaylee a bit to discover her true identity in the first book, I didn't think the set up dragged even though I already knew her secret.
I thought Rachel Vincent's writing style was very engaging-she kept me interested and she injected lots of humor that helped lighten the mood of the books. (The second book has a very snarky plotline about an evil corporation run by a cartoon mascot that I thought was very clever!) Kaylee read like a teen without being a teen stereotype. I felt like Ms. Vincent really knew who she was writing for and wasn't an author who jumped into YA without any idea of how to write for teens. I couldn't believe this was her first YA series! The books do have your typical teen angst and drama but they weren't overpoweringly angsty. I think the series has cross-over appeal for sure and I would hand these over to readers looking for a different take on the paranormal genre.

The romance will be just what paranormal romance fans want. The romance between Kaylee and Nash is very steamy without being graphic. I'm still not sure if I love Nash-I had to wonder about his motives for liking Kaylee-but he will have girls swooning, I'm sure!
Even though I had copies of these books, I actually listened to them on audio and I loved the narrator. She had great voices for every character and I highly recommend these on audio. I'm eagerly awaiting the next installment in the Soul Screamers series and I was impressed enough with these books to look into Rachel Vincent's Shifters series, a paranormal series for adults.
Full Disclosure: I downloaded the audiobooks from


  1. Beautiful covers and wonderful review. I havent read these but you make me want to!

  2. Hmm...I've heard a lot of great things about these books. Maybe I shall read them. I loved your reviews! :]

  3. I *loved* the evil corporation plotline in book 2.

    I liked book 1, but wasn't sure I'd finish the series. That pretty much guaranteed I'll read book 3.

  4. Just finished reading it...IT WAS AWESOME. My review coming soon over at my book review blog.
    Thanks so much for all the great book info! Every recommendation has been fantastic! Keep up the good work!


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