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The Naughty List by Suzanne Young

Rating: 3/5 Stars

Genre: Contemporary

Release Date: 2/4/2010

Publisher: Razorbill

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About the Book: Think you know cheerleaders? Think again! The Smitten Kittens aren't just the school spirit squad, they're a secret society that will spy on guys to see if they're cheating. Think your guy is on The Naughty List? Text the Society of Smitten Kittens (SOS) and they'll find out for you. Everything seems to be going great until head cheerleader Tessa's own boyfriend Aiden shows up as a suspect on The Naughty List. Now things aren't so strawberry smoothie...

GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: I love the idea for this book-spying cheerleaders and cheating boyfriends. And while the book is unique and fun, I was left a little disappointed. It was a fun book, but I just wanted more substance and character development. The Naughty List reminds me of something that could easily be adapted as a CW TV show.

Tessa and Aiden were the only characters I really got to know-the rest of the squad all blended together and I had a hard time keeping each girl straight. You also don't learn much about anyone else and I would have liked to know more about the Smitten Kittens as well as Tessa and Aiden. That being said, I did enjoy what was there. I loved the background for the forming of SOS and I loved the idea of these girls going out and finding cheaters. And the reports they wrote up for clients cracked me up! And Tessa's pretend curse words were always fun and creative-I don't know how Ms. Young came up with so many.

While I liked Tessa and Aiden, I got frustrated with them. They never tried to talk about things and instead sex was their way of communicating. I wanted them to just talk to each other and work things out instead of assuming things. But then again, that's the formula that makes chick lit work-not talking and misunderstandings-so I shouldn't complain too much. I really hated Chloe and Christian-they were icky and swarmy and I really couldn't stand them! Again, I would have liked to know more about them, but they were great characters to dislike.

Even though I had the story figured out, I still had fun reading it. The ending wasn't my favorite, but it leaves the book open for the next in the series, which I'll be looking forward to reading. The Naughty List is a fun frothy read that chick lit readers will be sure to enjoy.

Full Disclosure: Checked out from my library


  1. Sounds fun and fluffy but nothing too deep, like Gossip Girl. I can see it on the CW too.

  2. I really want to read this one and sometimes you just need a fluffy book!

  3. I enjoyed this book as well, even if it was slightly predictable/fluffy. It really is true that fluff, though corny, is necessary at certain times.

  4. Ah, I hated Chloe and Christian too. I hope they don't show up in the next book lol.

    I went to a signing held by the author and she said they came up with the swears by sitting around the dining table.


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