Genre: Paranormal
Release Date: 10/19/2010
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About the Book: Nora is happily dating Patch and life seems to be going great-until the moment Nora let's it slip that she loves him. Nora should have known her life couldn't stay perfect. Patch begins to pull away and Nora feels betrayed and hurt as Patch's attention turns to her nemesis, Marcie Millar. As Nora begins to learn more about her father's death she finds out about a group of rogue Nephilim and a mysterious leader, the Black Hand. Patch isn't answering her questions, so it's up to Nora to find out the truth for herself. But is she ready for the what the truth may uncover about her past?
GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: I had a love/hate relationship with this book (and I mean that in a good way!) Nora and Patch would make me love them one minute and than get so frustrated and annoyed at them the next. Especially Patch-why couldn't he at least clue Nora in a bit? And Nora was very oblivious I wanted to yell at her at times.
But that's what makes these books so fun for me. I get so involved with the characters I want to talk to them and keep them from making dumb decisions, but at the same time I want them to mess up so I can read all about it. I want Nora to try and find Patch's apartment by herself or sneak into the mysterious Scott's place to uncover the truth. Yes, she's being impulsive but I want to solve the mystery as much as she does, so while I'm yelling at her I'm also cheering her on. I guess these books make me a very sadistic reader!
Patch isn't quite as bad boy in Crescendo as he was in Hush, Hush but he's still deliciously dangerous. Patch spends a lot of the book pulling away from Nora (because he can't be with her due to the archangels rules) and therefore they spend a lot of time trying to make each other jealous and drive each other crazy. This little dance between them, while frustrating, is actually pretty fun to read.
But what makes this series so much fun and why I keep coming back to it is the mystery element of the story. This isn't just a parnormal romance, this series has a mystery that the character's are trying to solve. Yes there's romance, but finding the truth is the main driving force of our characters and that's what I enjoy the most.
We learn a lot more backstory on Nora and we learn more about the angels and Nephilim which adds a nice new storyline. There were plenty of new twists and turns in the story that took me by surprise. There's also a pretty terrible cliffhanger, so I'm very eager to read the next book in the series! Crescendo is a great sequel that gives us even more information about Nora and Patch and will keep readers engaged in the series and leave them wanting more.
Book Pairings: For fallen angels of course pair with Fallen by Lauren Kate. For another look into a mysterious father/daughter relationship, I'd pair these with The Agency series by Y.S. Lee
Full Disclosure: Reviewed from a finished copy I borrowed from a co-worker
I bet I'll like this better than Hush, Hush. I liked Patch when he was just dangerous rather than a creepy jerk. And the best part of the book for me was the twists and turns. Great review!
ReplyDeleteWhen I posted my review of Crescendo, the first thing I said was, I have a love/hate relationship with this book!
So it is not hard to imagine a lot of people feeling the same.
Nice review! I read one other, and it was a bit ravey, if you know what I mean. Thank you for keeping your head!
ReplyDeleteI really want to read this book, but the one thing that's keeping me at bay, well, actually it's two things, 1) I'm tired of the frustrating dance featured in every single paranormal romance and I need a break from it, and 2) I'm not entirely sold on the whole fallen angels/relationships with angels subgenre. It kind of demoralizes angels and missleads people about their nature as well as glamorizes the fallen, which, FYI, are demons. Like for real. As in the devil and hell and all that. I am glad that they have taken the spotlight away from vampires, though. They're a bit old hat.
I really hated Hush Hush. I can't see myself suffering through the sequel.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the review. I'm not sure I want to read a book I have a love/hate relationship with. We'll see.
ReplyDeleteThis one felt so much more angsty than the last which I really enjoyed. I dig a dose of angst in my romance as long as it isn't too overwhelming and it ends relatively well.