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Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine!

So the new year is almost here, so I've been going through various publisher catalogs and making my 2011 wish lists. There are so many awesome books coming out in 2011 but I had to share a few that made me do a little happy dance in my office.

The Girl is Murder by Kathryn Miller Haines

-Release Date: July 2011

From Goodreads: It’s the Fall of 1942 and Iris’s world is rapidly changing. Her Pop is back from the war with a missing leg, limiting his ability to do the physically grueling part of his detective work. Iris is dying to help, especially when she discovers that one of Pop’s cases involves a boy at her school. Now, instead of sitting at home watching Deanna Durbin movies, Iris is sneaking out of the house, double crossing her friends, and dancing at the Savoy till all hours of the night. There’s certainly never a dull moment in the private eye business.

OMG-I WANT I WANT I WANT!!! When the catalog copy described this one for fans of Veronica Mars I jumped for joy and put it to the top of my wish list.

Horton Halfpott: Or, The Fiendish Mystery of Smugwick Manor; or, The Loosening of M'Lady Luggertuck's Corset by Tom Angleberger

Release Date: May 2011

From Goodreads: Tom Angleberger's latest, loopiest middle-grade novel begins when M'Lady Luggertuck loosens her corset (it's never been loosened before!), thereby setting off a chain of events in which all the strict rules of Smugwick Manor are abandoned. When, as a result of "the Loosening," the precious family heirloom, the Luggertuck Lump (quite literally a lump), goes missing, the Luggertucks look for someone to blame. Is it Horton Halfpott, the good-natured but lowly kitchen boy who can't tell a lie? Or one of the many colorful cast members in this silly romp of a mystery.

-From the author of The Strange Case of Origami Yoda-need I say more?

A Tale of Two Castles by Gail Carson Levine

Release Date: May 2011

No summary on Goodreads, but the Gail Carson Levine talks about the book on her website-It's loosely based on Puss N' Boots and is a mystery.

A new Gail Carson Levine? I'm so there!!

What about you? What 2011 releases are making you do a happy dance?


  1. The Girl is Murder sounds fantastic! Too bad we have to wait till July to read it. I love mysteries and historical mysteries especially. Have you read The Agency series by Y.S. Lee? You might like it too. Judy Blundell has a new one this spring that also looks really good. It is about a young woman in 1950s New York and features the mob, murder, intrigue, etc.

    I like Gail Carson Levine as well. Great picks this week!

  2. I know-July is so far away! I have read The Agency-such a great read! And I have an ARC of the new Judy Blundell sitting on my shelf-I'm saving for a rainy day when I have all day to read it-that's how I read What I Saw and How I Lied and it was perfect!

  3. Horton Halfpott sounds so funny! I hadn't heard of that author. Thanks :)

    A new Gail Carson Levine? Yes please! Going to Goodreads now to put these two on my TBR.

  4. Oh my goodness, I had no idea Gail Carson Levine was writing a new one! *adds to wishlist immediately* I adore Ella Enchanted. And I love the cover for this new one!

  5. I noticed you said you were going through "publisher catalogs" making your 2011 wishlist.

    Where does one get her hands on a "publisher catalog"? Are they online?

  6. Gina-Yes some of then are online. is a great resource and has links.

  7. I hope when you get your books, you enjoy them all. Wanna see what I am Waiting On Wednesday for?

  8. I am waiting for the second book in the Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place series The Hidden Gallery. I CANNOT wait!

  9. Love that The Girl is Murder mentions Deanna Durbin movies! They are so much fun and I hope a new generation will seek them out. Gee, I sound really old and I'm only 26!

  10. Hey, GBTQ, long time lurker here . Love your reviews and your love of kidlit. Delurking to recommend another blog you might like, to add some more choices to your to-read list. It tackles books by/about folks of color that don't get much press.

    Looking forward to more fantastic recs in 2011!

  11. I didn't know about the new one by Angleberger! Thank you for highlighting that and the new one by Gail Carson Levine. Definitely ones to look forward to!


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