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Page by Paige by Laura Lee Gulledge

Rating: 4/5 Stars

Genre: Graphic Novel

Release Date: 5/1/2011

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About the Book: Paige has just moved to New York City and she's feeling a bit lost. She's trying to make sense of her life. Is she an artist? Is she outgoing? How can she make new friends and find herself in such a book city? Paige decides to take her Grandmother's advice and following her drawing rules, she's going to keep a sketchbook. The sketchbook becomes Paige's way of expressing herself and finding who she is. She opens up to new friends, embraces her art, and learns how to be Paige.

GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: Page by Paige is a fantastic graphic novel! Although it's fiction, it reads like a memoir and reminded me a lot of Pedro and Me and in some ways, Blankets only with a more coming of age high school story. I would also pair it up with Plain Janes, as the characters are very pro-art and they have secret art projects they do in the city.

Reading Page by Paige is like taking a peek into someones diary, only a graphic novel version of their diary. It's a fantastic coming of age story and readers will relate to Paige and her journey of figuring out who exactly she is. I struggled with being shy in school and I could relate to Paige's journey of coming out of her shell, learning to be brave and put herself out there. This is also Paige's journey of learning to accept her artistic self and embrace that fact that she is an artist.

Many times creative teens struggle with how to be creative or don't think they really are creative and Paige deals with the same issues. I love that her group of friends call themselves "Agents of Whimsy" and have secret art projects around the city. I would love to do something similar!

A funny, charming and very touching coming of age story. I loved Paige and I hope she has more of her story to tell.

Book Pairings: Plain Janes by Cecil Castellucci, Good As Lily by Derek Kirk Kim, Pedro and Me by Judd Winick

Full Disclosure: Reviewed from ARC I picked up at ALA


  1. This sounds really cute, and my sister's name is Page, I think I just might have to get this for her :) I've never heard of this before, so thanks for introducing me to it!

    -Kate the Book Buff
    The Book Buff: Book Reviews for Regular Peopl

  2. This will be a for sure get for our collection. Thanks for the review!

  3. I loved Page by Paige! I'm really impressed by how well you review graphic novels. I'm always too nervous to attempt it. Great job! :)

  4. I just read this a week or two ago and enjoyed it, too! I definitely got a little Plain Janes feel from it, too, but I liked that we got more of an interior look into the protagonist.


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