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Geek Storytime Part 2: The Return of Fandom Starts Early

Last year I wrote about the Fandom Starts Early Geeky Storytime I did at my library. I had too much fun that I had to repeat it and hopefully get a crowd of geeky kids and parents to attend. Here's how The Return of Geeky Storytime went.

Opening Song: A Tootie Ta-this is a great song to get the kids up and moving

Opening Song: The Robot Dance by The Pop Ups (because we have to dance like robots at geeky storytime!)

Rhyme: I explained the kids that we would be talking about all sorts of fandoms and being geeky. I told them that geek meant you really loved something and asked what the things they really loved were. They said they loved playing, Batman, and video games. Then I had them recite a rhyme that made up just for our storytime.

I'm a geek, yes it's true.
I'm a geek, how about you?
There are lots of things I love do
And no one can tell me they are not cool. 
So stand up proud and shout hooray
For all the fun things we will do today.

This book cracks me up every time I read it and the kids had fun shouting out the opposites.
Soft Kitty
Soft kitty,

Warm kitty,
Little ball of fur.
Happy kitty,
Sleepy kitty, Purr, purr, purr

Flannel Board: Mustache Lou-I got this flannel story from Sunflower Storytime and used it in my mustache storytime. I thought it was funny and fit my silly geeky theme.

This book is so interactive and creative I knew it would be perfect for my group.

Song: The Freeze Dance by Greg and Steve, with special appearance by Doctor Horrible-I used a picture of Doctor Horrible and told the kids about his freeze ray. Whenever he appeared we would have to freeze because he had stunned us with his freeze ray. The kids ended up using their carpet squares as shields to deflect the freeze ray-pretty creative kids!

Parachute the TARDIS: I used a picture of the TARDIS, made two copies of it and glued popsicle sticks inside to give it some weight. As I played the theme song to Doctor Who, we parachuted the TARDIS so it spun through space and time. The kids had a blast trying to shake the parachute so hard the TARDIS fell out.

It was also a Free Comic Giveaway Day thanks to our local comic book store! Each kid got two free comics!

Activity Time:

Geeky Matching Game-

-I made a matching game where kids had to match characters to their item (Gandalf to a white horse, Harry to a broomstick, Kirk to the Enterprise, etc) This was an activity that both the parents and kids had lots of fun with.

Superhero Masks and Supervillain Mustaches 

-I used our dicut to make the masks and I had some leftover mustache templates from my mustache storytime. This was the most popular activity and the kids loved making the masks.

Make the One Ring

-These were leftover from a Hobbit program Miss V and Miss A put together so I reused them for storytime. I put out markers so the kids could write their own inscription on the rings. The rings are made from spray painted paper towel tubes that were then cut up.

Star Wars ABCs

-This was also left over from a Star Wars program that Miss V and Miss A did. I used the poster of Star Wars ABCs and the death star (globe painted with chalk paint) and a Star Wars: The Clone Wars Pop Up Book.

Star Trek Colors

-I used the foam blocks that we have in our storyhour collection for a color sorting activity. I asked the kids to match the blocks into the correct Starfleet colors-Red for command (with Picard), Yellow for Security and Engineering (with Data) and Blue for Medical and Science (with Crusher).

How it Went: Overall it was a lot of fun. The crowd was smaller this year and I had eight kids attend. I did have kids that liked superheroes, Star Trek, Star Wars, and Doctor Who attend this time around so that was fun. I still think there's a geeky audience out there somewhere for my Fandom Storytime-I just need to find it! I'm thinking I might try it as an outreach event and find those geeky parents somehow. I know I'm not the only one who thinks a fandom storytime is lots of fun!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. When will you be anouncing the winner of the giveaway?

  3. I cannot tell you how much I want to do this type of program! I am just going to have to dive off the cliff and do it. So there. :-)


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