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Evermore by Alyson Noel

Rating: 5/5 Stars

About the Book: Since the accident that killed her family, Ever can see auras, hear people’s thoughts, and know a person’s life story just by touch. She also has regular conversations with her dead sister. She didn’t ask for these new talents and her efforts to hide her gifts have left her a freak at her high school. But when Damen Auguste enters the picture, everything changes.

Damen is movie-star gorgeous, mysterious, and the one person who can block all the psychic energy Ever keeps trying to avoid. Damen and Ever are drawn to each other, but Ever can’t shake the feeling that there is something that he’s hiding. He’s the only person that Ever can’t read anything about. Damen has no aura, Ever can’t hear his thoughts, and she has know idea who - or what - he really is.

GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: First off, how can you resist that cover? It's so beautiful and mysterious and it captures the story perfectly!

Every once in awhile, a book comes along that I end up getting sucked into and become addicted. EVERMORE was one of those books. When I wasn’t reading, I was thinking about how I could sneak away to read some more. I couldn’t put it down. I dreamt about this book. When I finished, I couldn’t get it out of my head. This book was simply breathtaking.

Ever is a wonderfully realistic character that grows throughout the novel. The guilt she feels over her family’s accident and her grieving process are heart-wrenchingly real, as is her growing acceptance of her new psychic gifts. I also loved the scenes with Riley, Ever’s little sister. Who knew a ghost could be so funny and charming? I know she’s just waiting to have her own series written about her. And Damen…well, what can I say - I’m in love. If you’re looking for a new lit-boy crush, Damen is it.

Alyson Noel knows how to write for and about teens, and this is one of her best books yet. I can’t wait to find out more about the mysterious Damen and step into Ever’s world again.

Combining mystery and romance, EVERMORE is the beginning of the next must-read paranormal series. Be sure to get your hands on this one - you’ll be swept away.


  1. Every review I read makes my patience dwindle. I really want to read this book!! ...but alas, I must wait another month...

    Oh well, I'm looking forward to Evermore's release and I loved reading your review.

  2. Aw, thanks so much GreenBean!!!

    You made my day!

  3. Great review, Sarah! I really want to read this one as well. It sounds amazing.


  4. Thanks Alyson!:)

    Lauren and Bookworm-Once you've read it, please let me know what you think. I've been dying to talk about this book with others!


  5. I cannot wait to read this book!!
    You're so lucky to have read it.
    Would you like to do a link exchange?

  6. Nice review! I love the cover and it sounds sooo good!

  7. I'm looking forward to reading this one so much!!! I won a copy in a contest, so I should be getting it soon.

  8. Oh wow, this looks so good and like you said, what a gorgeous cover!


  9. i dont know...this book really isn't that good. the guy is too...perfect? it's pretty annoying the fact that he's the one ''who taught picasso'' and that he's so amazing at everything. that's exactly one of the things i hated about twilight, that the vampires are so perfect at everything. And i don't like riley that much either, she's bratty and sort of annoying. although i did find the part amusing where damen was a model, i mean that was amusing to hear but sorry i didnt like it that much!


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