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Want It Wednesday #6

Emma-Jean Lazarus Fell in Love by Lauren Tarshis

About the Book: This story takes place about eight weeks after Emma- Jean Lazarus Fell Out of a Tree. Emma-Jean has developed a crush on Will Keeler and is hoping she can dance with up at the seventh grade dance. Her friend Colleen is worried that no one will ask her to the dance, but when a note shows up in Colleen's locker, Emma-Jean decides to help Colleen find her secret admirer.
GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: I just fell in love with Emma-Jean when I read Lauren Tarshis' first book, so I was thrilled when I saw on her site a sequel is due out in May! Emma-Jean is a grea character and one you will remember, so if you haven't read Emma-Jean Lazarus Fell Out of a Tree, get your hands on it now-trust me, you'll be glad you did!

The Amarant Enchantment by Julie Berry

About the Book: (From Amazon) When Lucinda Chapdelaine was a small child, her parents left for the royal ball and never returned. Ever since, Lucinda has been stuck in perpetual servitude at her evil aunt’s jewelry store. Then, on the very same day, a mysterious visitor and an even more bizarre piece of jewelry both enter the shop, setting in motion a string of twists and turns that will forever alter Lucinda’s path. In this magical story filled with delightful surprises, Lucinda will dance at the royal ball, fall under the Amaranth Witch’s spell, avenge her parents’ death, and maybe—just maybe—capture the heart
of a prince.

GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: I came across this one in my Shelfari searches and I knew I had to read it! The cover is just beautiful and the story sounds like a great fantasy/fairy tale, which I'm always up for reading. Look for this debut author's book to come out March 3.

Sent (The Missing) Book 2 by Margaret Peterson Haddix

About the Book: Ok, I can't really say much about this one without giving away the story, so you'll just have to read my review of book one in the series, Found.

GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: Book one in the series, Found, ended with such a HUGE cliffhanger, I can't wait for August to come so I can keep reading! The good thing is, author Margaret Peterson Haddix apologized for the cliffhanger ending on her site,
so I guess I'll forgive her. This series is a great action/adventure/suspense read that's great for all ages, so I'm looking forward to sharing this one with my brother, who is also eagerly awaiting August.

What's our your list this Wednesday?


  1. What's on my list?

    Write now I'm in the middle of reading Maximum Ride:The Angel Experiment, and I must say, I haven't had this much fun reading a book since I read Fablehaven.
    I've resently finished Need, by Carrie Jones. Best paranormal romance I've read since reading Twilight all those years ago.
    Setting on my bookshelf are Luxe and Flora Segunda. I'm just inching to read them all at the same time, but I haven't the time. I have a manuscript to finish up on.
    Love your blog.


  2. Hi J.T.!
    I need to read Maximum Ride and Fablehaven, but have heard great things about both.
    I loved The Luxe, but it does take a bit to get into-but it's a fun gossipy read.
    I can't wait to read Need-I just put that one on hold at my library.
    Thanks for finding my blog!:)

  3. Love your blog! Amazing that so many of us can run in the same bloggy circles and not even know it!

    Andi from the 5445 class!

  4. The first one looks so cute! And Amaranth Enchantment sounds fab!

  5. Hi Andi-
    It's always fun to see how many book people are out there. I'm looking forward to class this semester!:)

    Bookworm-Emma-Jean Lazarus Fell Out of a Tree is such a cute read, I can't wait to read this one! I hope you get a chance to read it!:)


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