Genre: Fantasy
Release Date: 12/22/09
Publisher: HarperTeen
Other Books in Series: Wondrous Strange
About the Book: Six months have passed since Kelley discovered she was a faerie princess and Sonny is still away fighting the wild hunt. When Kelley comes across a mugger who is more than he appears, she finds herself tumbling into the Otherworld-and reunited with Sonny. But their time together is cut short. A hidden magick is brewing and Kelley and Sonny find themselves in the midst of it all. As deceptions, lies and secrets unfold a kingdom may be torn apart.
GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: I very much enjoy the world Ms. Livingston has created in this series. She's taken faerie's and other magical creatures and turned them upside down into characters you wouldn't expect. She makes the mythology her own which makes reading this series lots of fun. I've never been a big fantasy reader-I always like the idea of fantasy but then it gets to complicated and wordy. But Ms. Livingston succeeds at creating a fantasy story that is fast paced enough to keep me interested and entertained.
What I liked most about Darklight was the fact that I felt this book stood very well on it's own. This is a sequel and a second book in a trilogy, and many times those second books just feel like placeholders. But the plot moved forward in Darklight and even though it is a second book, there's enough of a recap of the first book and new storylines that reader's could read this book by itself and not feel lost. There are still many twists and turns and surprises-I love when an author can surprise me-especially in sequels! Darklight pulls it off and there was actually a moment I gasped aloud-I didn't see the twist coming and I loved it.
I did feel that Darklight didn't have the same magic the first one had, but only slightly. I still thought the book was a great read and the twists and action packed ending made up for it.
I'm still not swooning over Sonny and Kelley's relationship-I wish we could see them together more and get a good feel for why it is they like other. The never really get to build up their romance in this one, so that aspect of the book fell a little flat for me. But I really liked how in Darklight Ms. Livingston teeters on the edge of a love triangle-I'm eager to see what she does with it and if she makes the jump or will just keep teasing us.
Kelley's roommate Tyff and Puck/Bob remain my favorite characters. They have spunk and always bring fun to whatever scene they're in. I'm also hoping poor Tyff stops crushing on the not available guys and finds someone in the end.
Overall, Darklight leaves me very excited for the next book in the series and I can't wait to see what surprises are in store.
Side Note: I love the covers for this series and I really love the fact that the cover model looks exactly like Kelley should look.
Full Disclosure: Reviewed from copy sent from publicist
I have had my eye on this one (mainly I just love that cover). Thanks for the review :)
ReplyDeleteNice honest review, however I rated it a 5. However, you definitely made some great points :) I can't wait for the third book!
ReplyDeleteIt's been interesting to read everyone's reaction and reviews of this one. I really liked and it and I can't wait for the third!
ReplyDeleteI really want to read this series. Thanks for the review.
ReplyDeleteI recently bought Wondrous Strange and I'm going to try to move it up in my TBR pile. I have a feeling I'll like it and its follow-up.
ReplyDeleteThe covers are really beautiful aren't they?
ReplyDeleteI particularly liked the darkness to this book, that we see both Sonny and Kelleys dark sides.
I have a contest going currently to win a signed copy of this book or wondrous strange on my site. Feel free to come by and enter here: http://www.thediaryofabookworm.com/2010/05/big-month-for-meeting-and-greeting.html
I'm getting it personalised for the winner.
I loved this book, and the previous one too. I would rate this book 10 out of 5, because that is how much I loved it! I hope the 3rd (and final) book is going to be better than the rest (if that's even possible)!