Descent Into Paradise by Vincent Karl
Rating: 3/5 Stars
Genre: Contemporary
Release Date: 1/14/2010
Publisher: Annick Press
About the Book: Two stories-one book. Descent Into Paradise is the story of police going too far, immigration, friendship and standing up for what you believe. During a police drug raid at school, a new student who has transferred from Afghanistan is targeted-even though he's innocent. What do you do when the police cross the line?
GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: This is a very short story-just over 100 pages, but it does pack a big punch. It's easy to read, fast paced, and raises a lot of questions. I couldn't believe the police were so mean, yet at the same time I know that prejudice is still very much alive so part of me wasn't surprised.
There's not a ton of characterization, although the narrator grew on me throughout. The plot gets right to the point-it's short and there's no messing around with parts of the story that don't need to be there. But I did think it was a powerful short story and one that could start a great discussion.
I would give this one to reluctant readers or readers who don't want a massive novel, but still want a book with high interest. The readability is very easy, so it'd be a great pick for those high interest/low level readers in the library. If you have a big hi/lo readership and need to beef up that collection, I would recommend adding the Single Voice books to your collection. There are three out now, with more to come. Check out the Annick Press blog for the whole collection of titles and tour stops.
I do wish the covers had different colors though-the cover of my story was pink, and while I love pink, I think the story has a lot of guy appeal, but I don't know many guys who would pick up a pink cover on their own.
Since this book has two stories in it, The Book Muncher has a review of the other story in this book, A Place to Live.
Check out the video trailer for the other books in the series:
I was so excited to find your site through the Blog Hop today! Just wanted to let you know there's a "GreenBeanTeenQueen" shout out on my blog: http://kdkbooklove.blogspot.com/2010/04/blog-love.html