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I had a couple of contests ending, so I thought I would announce the winners!

The Cinderella Society Winner: Sophia at
The Book Basement

Here's her entry: "Being empowered means to take control of your own life proudly, in my opinion. You may need help, I'll admit, but you also need strength. You must have strong will and stick to what you believe in. You shouldn't sway your opinion, no matter what other people say about it. Plus, you always have to feel good about yourself. Walk down the hallways with your head held high and don't let anyone bring you down. Stay strong, believe in yourself, and don't be afraid to ask for help. That's what I think empowerment means."

LOVE IT! (And just so you know, I made GreenBeanSexyMan pick the winning entry!)

Perfect Chemistry Prize Pack: Natalie at
Mindful Musings

This one was a random drawing, but for entries I asked for lit crushes. Natalie said Jace from Mortal Instruments and Ian from The Host. It was so fun reading everyone's lit crushes, I might compile the list and post it if people are interested.

There are more contests still going on, so check the sidebar-and good luck!:)


  1. Congrats everyone!!=)

    And I would so love to see a compiled list of everyone's crushes!=)

  2. Congrats to your winners! Great contest!

  3. Thanks so much for the book! Can't wait to recieve and read it!

  4. I just recieved the book (seriously, it was like ten minutes ago)! It's so pretty and shiny and new and awesome! Thanks so much and I can't wait to read it!


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