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Anya's Ghost by Vera Brosgol

Rating: 4/5 Stars

Genre: Graphic Novel/Contemporary

Release Date: 6/7/2011

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About the Book: After falling down a well, Anya discovers bones and a ghost to go along with them. Emily was murdered ninety years ago. When Anya is freed from the well, she discovers an unexpected souvenir. Emily says she wants to join Anya and have a second chance. Sounds good until Anya finds herself with a very pushy ghost with her own agenda.

GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: This is a wonderful graphic novel! Anya is dealing with a lot in high school which makes this a great layered story. She immigrated to America from Russia when she was young and has worked hard to blend in and become American. She's embarrassed by her family. She is often a loner and has one friend at school, and her mother is always telling her to befriend another boy from Russia at school, only he's the nerdy kid. She has a crush on popular basketball player Sean. So when a ghost shows up and offers to help Anya out, she discovers that a ghostly friend might not be such a bad idea. She can overhear conversations, have Emily float around the room to look for test answers-it seems like a great deal.

It's through her experiences with Emily that Anya is able to learn who she really is. She discovers her own identity. This a great coming of age graphic novel that I think will appeal to readers of contemporary stories as well as ghost stories.

The artwork is subtle and light on coloring-it has a two-tone color effect that works very well with the story. The art adds emotion and tension to the story and I liked watching how Emily's look changed as we got to know her true personality more.

My only complaint is the ending-it wrapped up a bit too quickly for me and I wanted just a bit more. But it's still a wonderful graphic novel and I highly recommend it!

Book Pairings: Clubbing by Andi Watsonn, Good As Lily by Derek Kirk Kim

Full Disclosure: Reviewed from final copy sent by publisher


  1. Thanks for a great review, Sarah! I had my eye on this graphic novel for a while and wondered what others thought of it. I'll definitely pick it up. It sounds like a great story.

  2. I just read this one as well! I thought the artwork was great and the story was awesome! Although, I agree with you that the ending was a little too tidy, but, still a great graphic novel! =)

  3. I just checked this out from the library and can't wait to read it! Nice review, it makes me want to go get started now! Love the artwork, based on the cover.

  4. Great review! I love the cover artwork and the story seems to have a supernatural bent, which reminds me of a book by a new author that I'm working with: (S)Mythology by Jeremy Tarr. It's a modern day fairy tale that is wry and whimsical, and tackles life...death...and the Underworld. The book is super cute and has amazing illustrations by artist Katy Smail, which really bring the main character Sophie to life. I think you all would really like it!

    You can read the first three chapters and check out the illustrations at or check out the book on Amazon here:



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