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Georgia Nicolson Reading Challenge

I first started reading the Georgia Nicolson series by Louise Rennison two years ago when I took over the young adult department at my library. I immediately fell in love with Georgia and the Ace Gang and found myself laughing out loud at all their antics.

With the tenth (and final) Georgia Nicolson book being released in October, I thought more people might want to join in on my own personal reading challenge of reading the entire series.

So I'm starting a Georgia Nicolson Reading Challenge.

Here's the rules:

1. Between now and June 18, 2010 read all ten of the Georgia Nicolson books. They can be any format (I prefer them in audio so I can listen to the British accents!)

2. There's a Mr. Linky at the bottom of the post-sign up there. I'll post another Mr. Linky to post reviews of the books in another post.

3. Post reviews on all the Georgia books you read and share the Ace Gang fun!

4. If you don't have a blog, no worries-join however you want! Post reviews on GoodReads, Amazon, LibraryThing, or Shelfari (or wherever!) or just talk to your friends about the books you read or just leave comments on the challenge posts telling us what you thought.

5. Anyone can join at anytime! So join in and have fun and laugh out loud with my favorite British teen!


  1. I think I might've accidentally taken up the first two spots or I'm not sure if I'm even on the Mr. Linky thing (I'm not the most tech-savy person in the word right now, LOL) but I am participating!! I've read the first one and I really want to read the rest! Thanks for starting the challenge!

  2. I wish this lasted longer because I don't think I could read them all this quickly! What a great challenge though!

  3. Alea-I wasn't sure how long to make it. I might change it if more people want it to be longer. How long do you think it should be?

  4. Most go about a year. Though I'm slow as crap so I might not finish lol but a year is good I think. I have about half the books right now!

  5. Ok cool-I changed it! I'm slow too, so this gives me more time!:)

  6. I think I may have been convinced lol! I think you put 2009 instead of 2010 for end date but we know what you mean!

  7. Oops! I fixed it again:) Now this will motivate me to read all the books!

  8. (I'm not participating in the challenge, though it looks utterly fab-- but I just wanted to point out that you can read the first Georgia Nicolson book for free online here:

    - Anastasia)

  9. Ohh fun. I really might try this. I've read the first and I thinkkkk I have the next two, so I'm getting there. LOL These are fun books and pretty fast reads.


  10. Ok my lazy butt finally signed up!

  11. Yay Alea!:) I knew we'd get you eventually..hahaha

  12. You got me! And I'm loving the icon!

  13. If you've already read the books before can you still participate?

  14. Yep, you can join if you've read some or all of the books already. No one's read book ten yet!:)

  15. I'm going to join =)

    I've read the first 7 or 8 and loved them all! But I'll reread for this challenge because I love to do that too!!

  16. I these books a long time ago,but now more are out and I've been meaning to read them, so I'm totally pumped about this contest.

  17. I love the Georgia Nicolson series. This challenge is definitely one I will be doing.

  18. Have read all but 10th waiting 4 it!!!

  19. This is a fabbity fab idea! I'm already a HUGE Georgia Nicolson fan and super excited for the 10th book. It's always nice to find other people who love her too!

  20. I'm actually a little excited about this! I've been meaning to read this set for a while now so it should be interesting reading with a group of people. Just picked the first one off the shelf actually. We'll see how I like it. :O)

  21. im excited! haven't read these in ages, so i'll give it a go... if i have almost a year to do you bet i'll finish! do i win anything? :P just kidding!

  22. I just finished the tenth yesterday! Such an amazing series of books and yes like you i laugh at loud to them aswell. Also the great things about these books is that you can use the strange quotes and scales (snogging, tip top matey, etc)that the ace gang come up with with your mates aswell.

    I'm often finding myself speaking random words of german and saying, 'As our lord Sandra might say, I'm away on a fast camel' and 'Toodlepip'. Louise really has an eye for teenage british humor. I'm australian and only 15, but i have a british matey of my own, and she reminds me of georgia alot!

    hahaha, my friends and i also have our own ace gang as we have a jools and ellen and a georgia! We even have our own little Titches and a Dave the Laugh, but he's mine, literally. I find i can relate to Georgia quite a bit. I think i have a large nose and also have to keep my nostrils under control when smiling!!! hahaha, and yes, we do have a tarts wardrobe at our school as well. And yes we have a wet lindsay and an ADM, buuuut,thankgod they left to a different school!

    hahaaa, that's all

    ta-taa chummettes

  23. Taylorlucy-I'm so glad you enjoyed the series! I agree that Georgia is relatable and I love using her phrases too. She has some great ones that need to be used in conversation. :)

  24. Is this challenge still on.. I recently got few of the books in the series as a gift and would like to join in.:)

  25. The challenge is still on-but the Mr. Linky broke, so you can't see the links. But it's going until June 2010!

  26. Thanks .. I am participating then :)


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