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Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler

Be sure to check out the 20 Things in 20 Days Scavenger Hunt
Clue #15 is right here on this blog!

Rating: 4/5 Stars

Genre: Contemporary

Release Date: 6/1/09

About the Book: Frankie, Anna and Matt have always been inseparable. Then one summer changed everything-Matt and Anna become something more. They spend a month sneaking out and sharing a summer romance-until the tragic accident that Matt dies in.

Now, a year later, Anna is joining Frankie and family on their first summer vacation without Matt. Frankie is convinced if they find a boy every day, Anna will have a summer romance. Anna still keeps her and Matt a secret and she's not sure she's ready to let Matt go.

GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: A perfect book for readers wanting summer romance with something deeper. The story deals with loss, grief, and letting go without being bogged down in those issues. Sarah Ockler does something amazing-she manages to tie together something tragic with the sweetness and happiness of first love. I don't know how she pulls it off, but it all comes together in a great story that has many layers and readers are in for a treat.

The memories of Matt made him feel like a real character, although I would have liked a few more Matt moments, because he seemed so sweet. But I also liked Sam and enjoyed Anna's burgeoning relationship with him. One of my favorite quotes of the book, “What is the statute of limitations on feeling guilty for cheating on a ghost?” really sums up Anna for me. She's unsure of how and when to let go of Matt, but she's also opens herself up to falling for someone else. I think that makes her a great character.

Frankie could be annoying and I wish we could have seen more of her pre-Matt self. One of things I liked is that everything doesn't tie up in a neat little bow in the end-the characters still have some growing to do, which I think makes the book more satisfying and realistic.

A great read-I read this one in one sitting. It has a light breezy feel to it at times, but it also has depth. I would recommend to fans of Sarah Dessen, Nicholas Sparks, and Ann Brashares.


  1. It's pretty heavy subject matter to manage a light, breezy feel. I'm a little scared to read this, because I am a total book bawler, but I may have to check it out. Thanks for the review.

  2. Great review. I really want to read this book. It sounds like it might be a deep novel but I like a book with depth. Thanks for the review.

  3. Great review! I've been wanting to read this book forever now and my copy should be coming next week. It sounds like the type of read I'll really enjoy.


  4. Great review! I liked the quote that you used too! I loved so many things about this book. It came as a recommendation from a friend, and I'm glad that I read it.

  5. Come pick up your Kreativ Blogger award!!

  6. Great review! That book looks so interesting, I may have to check it out the next time I'm at the book store/library.


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