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Across the Pond by Storyheart

Rating 3/5 Stars

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: 9/25/08

About the Book: Fred is a teen boy from England who is faced with the choice of spending time with his grandmother or heading to America while his parents are on vacation. He chooses to travel Across the Pond to stay with friends of his parents and their daughter Brittney. Brit and Fred quickly share an attraction and a romance between the two begins.

Brit and her friends have a secret about Steve Harris, a bully from school, and Fred decides to take it upon himself to put Steve in his place and become Brit's "English Knight."

GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: Across the Pond reminded me of an old fashioned story. Even though it's marketed as a YA romance, it's really something any age could pick up and enjoy.

My favorite part of this was the project that Fred had to work on while in America. Fred was keeping track of all the language differences he came across between American words and British words, which sometimes left him embarrassed. Plus, I learned a lot and wish I could take a trip to England!

Some things were a little too perfect about Fred's visit to America, but overall this is a sweet, quick read. There's plenty of humor and mishaps to keep the story moving along. The ending leaves open some opportunity for a sequel, so I'm sure this isn't the last we've seen of "Brit and her Brit."

I will be featuring an interview with the author of Across the Pond on February 28th!


  1. I guess your write, it is old fashioned as I'm old lol, and yes perhaps the characters are to the same, to leaning on Fred. I have recieved this from another site, and will try and have a more jagged character or two in the next volume

    Thanks for the reciew and yes all ages are enjoying it

  2. great review and i can't wait for the interview

  3. Ha, "Brit and her Brit" made me chuckle :) Thanks for sharing your favorite part - it sounds like he was working on a fascinating project! Going to England (or Europe!) would be amazing!

  4. Sounds like a good book, I love england and wish I could take a trip there too! And the cover is really cool too.

  5. Storyheart-I like old fashioned stories!:)

    Erika Lynn-I'm excited about doing an interview too-it'll be my first one!:)

    Cecelia-I wish I go to Europe too. Maybe someday

    AmandaSue-I think the cover is great too-very creative.


  6. The next book will be Across the Pond and Back Again and will be Brit going to England at Christmas time. Not counting the normal story and yes a couple of characters that are a little more jagged (for GBTQ) you'll learn a lot about the differences with how Christmas is in England against the US.

    Can't wait for the interview.

    Anybody else want a review or interview...I talk to anybody lol

    Storyheart (Barry Eva)

    Don’t Forget…. Spread the word…. You can follow my tour on my blog at

  7. It sounds like it might be a little too sweet for my tastes, but I do love anything having to do with languages, so I'm sure I'd love that part.

  8. I have a copy and I can't wait to start reading it! I've always been interested in language differences and dialects, so I will probably like it.


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