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Want It Wednesday #8

Release Date: 7/21/09
About the Book: (From Amazon): When Katrina spots a homeless guy sleeping in the alley behind her grandmother’s coffee shop, she decides to leave him a cup of coffee, a bag of chocolate-covered coffee beans, and some pastries to tide him over. Little does she know that this random act of kindness is about to turn her life upside down. Because this adorable vagrant, Malcolm, is really a guardian angel on a break between missions. And he won’t leave until he can reward Katrina’s selflessness by fulfilling her deepest desire. Now if only she could decide what that might be . . .

GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: I love romances, and this one has such a great twist, I can't wait to read it! Plus, so many of my teens have raved about Saving Juliet that I'm sure this one will be another hit with my readers.

Release Date: 4/15/09
About the Book: (From Amazon:) Cora Bradley dreams of escape. Ever since her reckless older brother, Nate, died in a car crash, Cora has felt suffocated by her small town and high school. She seeks solace in drawing beautiful maps, envisioning herself in exotic locales. When Cora begins to fall for Damian, the handsome, brooding boy who was in the car with Nate the night he died, she uncovers her brother's secret artistic life and realizes she had more in common with him than she ever imagined. This is the tale of one girl's journey through the redemptive powers of art, friendship, and love.
GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: I'm a big fan of Ms. Sandell, so I can't wait for this one to release! I fell in love with her writing in Song of the Sparrow, and even though this one isn't writin in verse, I'm sure her beautiful writing style will be there!

Release Date: 5/26/09

About the Book: Well, I couldn't find much about the book, except this short blurb from the author's website: "You know, I always thought I told you everything, but there are some things I should have said but never did. I should have told you about the time I lost your new sunglasses. I know you really liked them. I should have apologized the time I ruined your brand-new skirt, the one with the beading. I should have apologized for a lot of stuff.
I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything."
GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: An amazing cover and it's by Elizabeth Scott! What else do I need to say?? Plus, it comes out the day after birthday, so it's like a beautiful birthday present to me!


  1. I can't wait for the Elizabeth Scott, either, and whoo boy, does Coffeehouse Angel sure sound good!

  2. I know-I love the romance twist with an angel. And of course, anything Elizabeth Scott I'll be reading!:)

  3. Awesome WoW selections! The covers look great, they sound great! The waiting is killing me because I tend to forget dates, but I always make a point to head over to the "New Release" sections in libraries and bookstores. :)


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. They do all sound great, and I really love the covers for them all. Coffehouse Angel is definitely a must-read for me at the moment. :)


  6. I can't wait for my copy of Coffeehouse Angel to come in the mail! (:

  7. Coffeehouse Angel is a must read for me. i can't wait for it!

  8. Out of these three I think I would like A Map of the Unknown World the best.

  9. Cecilia-I hate waiting for new books, especially when I hear about them so far in advance!

    Lauren, Bookworm, & Erika Lynn-I know-Coffeehouse Angel looks awesome! I love how we all like the same books-it's more fun to read what other people are reading and looking forward to!

    Alyce-I loved Lisa Ann Sandell's past books, so I'm sure this one will be good!


  10. Cecilia-I hate waiting for new books, especially when I hear about them so far in advance!

    Lauren, Bookworm, & Erika Lynn-I know-Coffeehouse Angel looks awesome! I love how we all like the same books-it's more fun to read what other people are reading and looking forward to!

    Alyce-I loved Lisa Ann Sandell's past books, so I'm sure this one will be good!


  11. Wow all of these books sound so good! And now we have to wait so long for them to come out... especially Coffeehouse Angel, July seems so far away!

  12. Wow, the cover for Love You, Hate You, Miss You is fantastic. Very dramatic!

  13. Coffeehouse Angel sounds great! Is it just me or are there more and more angel books being published in YA paranormal books?


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