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Since January ended up fizzling out and I didn't get to do my grand prize contest, I'm moving it into February and making it even bigger and better! February is the month of love, and I love books, especially books about love. So I'm celebrating with an I love books contest.

Contest Details: Contest runs Feb. 5th-Feb. 28. Winner will be picked March 1st.

What's Included: A prize pack of books, which I'll be adding to throughout the month and a $20 gift card to!

Open To: Sorry, U.S. Residents only

How to Enter: There's lots of ways to enter!

+1 entry for commenting on this post with your favorite romance book (for any age)

+2 entries for every comment you leave on my blog between now and Feb. 28

+3 entries for becoming a follower (or already following)

+4 entries for spreading the word via blogs, e-mail, twitter, anything

just send me a link to where/how you spread the word to

greenbeanteenqueen (at) gmail (dot) com or leave a comment with info

I'll be adding books to the prize pack throughout the month, but for now the prize pack includes:

Around the World in 80 Dates by Jennifer Cox (not a teen book, but a fun real life chick lit story!)

Hot Mess Summer In the City by Julie Kraut & Shallon Lester (ARC Copy)


  1. Hmm... a few good YA recent release romance books are North of Beautiful and Be Strong & Curvaceous.

    I also love a few older ones like Ivanhoe and Men of Iron.

    I REALLY want to read Chasing Windmills, Fake Boyfriend, Perfect Chemistry, Princess of the Midnight Ball and more that all promise romance.

    Oh well, I will just have to wait...

    Please enter me!


  2. I also blogged about this contest here.


  3. My all time favorites are P.S. I Love You and A Walk To Remember. But I just started Perfect Chemistry and I think I am going to love it too.

  4. New to your blog. Thanks for hosting the contest.

    February is also Black History Month. Please share our Black History Month Writers' Contest with your readers. Promote the contest, entered for a book giveaway. Enter the contest and win an Amazon gift card $15 and a free book.

  5. What a cute contest idea! My favorite all-time romance is in the Lord Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane books by Dorothy L. Sayers.

  6. TheBookworm-I want to read a lot of those new romances too-I'm a sucker for YA romance!:)

    ErikaLynn-I adore P.S. I Love You! I'm on hold for Perfect Chemistry and I think I'll really enjoy it.

    Susan-Thanks for the contest link-I'll be sure to mention it! Sharon Draper is awesome.

    Biblauragraphy-I haven't read either one of those, but I'll have to check them out now!:)

  7. Yay!! I'm already a follower, and this contest is awesome.

    Let's see....I really love Wicked Game by Jeri's a funny/sexy vampire romance (it's for adults, but older teens could read it).

    Umm...A Walk to Remember is amazing as well. :)


  8. Hmm, I don't know if I've read very many books whose main issue is a romance, but I really enjoyed This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen. It was the first novel she wrote that she said was mostly about a character's issues with love, which I found interesting after I read it and enjoyed it immensely.

    I am following you now, and have posted about this contest in my sidebar on my blog.

    Thank you!

  9. Astrid and Sam from GONE by Michael Grant.

    Please enter me:)


  10. My favorite romance novel is probably A Walk To Remember and anything by Nicholas Sparks.
    I'm already a follower.

  11. My favorite romance novel is Twilight and anything by Nora Roberts.

    I am already a follower.


  12. Thanks for the contest.
    I loved snowed in by Rachel Hawthorne

    I am a follower.


  13. Favorite romance? Soo hard! Lol. Well, there are tons, but I've also loved (almost) anything by Nora Roberts. It was her books that originally started my obsession, especially with romance ones.

    I also notified a few of my friends via email about this contest, gave them the link to this page and everything. You did say that counted, right?

  14. It was hard to decide what is my all-time favorite romance book, but I would have to say Little Town On The Prairie and These Happy Golden Years by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I love the courtship between Laura and Almanzo, especially rides on the sleigh and buggy! :)

    I'm already following.

    And I posted this on the sidebar of my blog under the Grapevine towards the end.


    cecilia // cecpham(at)

  15. Hi! I would love to be entered in the contest!

    I added you to my Google Reader list of sites I'm following and I posted about your contest here:


  16. My favorite romance book is Outlander by Diana Gabaldon because it has romance and historical fiction (not to mention time travel).
    akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com

  17. I follow.

    My favorite romance book is probably...Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan.


  18. Lauren-I'm really loving paranormal romances lately, so I'll have to check that one out!

    Steph Su-Sarah Dessen is an awesome author. I've enjoyed everything I've read by her.

    Book Begger-I haven't read Gone, but if it's got some romance in it, I'm so adding it to my TBR pile!:)

    Katie-I agree, Nicholas Sparks is great at writing romance.

    Donnas & Book Queen-With both of suggested Nora Roberts, I must need to read her books!:)

    Megan-I have Snowed In at my library and can't wait to read it.

    Cecilia-Little House is always good for a sweet romantic courtship.

    Betsy-Yay for librarians! Thanks for sharing my contest.

    Alyce-I love time travel books, especially when they have romance.

    J.T.-I have heard so many great things about Boy Meets Boy-plus is cover makes it perfect for a V-Day display!:)

  19. I blogged about it here:

  20. I think my favorite romance book is Jane Eyre. But a runner-up would be The Time Traveler's Wife.

    nbmars AT yahoo DOT com

  21. My favorite romance book is Twilight. I know some people won't look at it as romance but it really is.

  22. I loved A Walk to Remember and, of course, Twilight.


  23. My favorite romance was Lucky's Lady. I've actually read and reread it a couple of times! Thanks for the giveaway! I'll be following you!

  24. Rhapsody-I liked Time Traveler's Wife too-I can't wait for the movie to come out, it seems like we've been waiting forever.

    Bridget-I think Twilight is a romance more than a vampire story, so I count it!:)

    GirlwiththeBraids-A Walk to Remember is such a beautiful story-you can't help but fall in love with the characters.

    Becky-I love books you enjoy so much you can read them over and over again. I'll have to check Lucky's Lady out.

  25. Haha I'm just like every other typical girl, I love Twilight. But I have to say A Walk To Remember was the best ROMANCE novel I've read. I'm not sure yet though, I'm currently starting The Truth About Forever so maybe that will be my favorite, it's definitely good so far.

  26. And now you're in my sidebar! :)

  27. Please enter me in the drawing. One romance series I really like is The Virgin River seies by Robyn Carr. So good!

    I am putting your contest in my sidebar contest links.

  28. Please enter me :) And I'm a follower. And I'll be sure to post comments on your entries.

    And my favorite love stories are, "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist" and "A hopeless Romantic."


  29. Michelle-I love all of Sarah Dessen's books. They're all great romances.

    Kaye-I'm loving this contest because I'm finding out about so many great new books to read!:) Thanks for the suggestion.

    Ann-I actually have the movie of Nick and Norah and I'm hoping to watch it soon!

  30. I can't choose a favourite! But a really good romance book is She's so money by Cherry Cheva.

    I'm a follower!


  31. One of my favorites (out of too many to count) is Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen.

    penny.pince (at) gmail (dot) com

    Thanks for the chance!

  32. One of my favorites is "The Notebook" by Nicholas Sparks (plus the movie is just as wonderful, so an added bonus :) Thanks!

  33. Sara-She's She Money is a great choice!

    Penelope-Jane Austen is great for romance. We just read Emma for my book club.

    Sheri-The Notebook is a wonderful book and movie. I thought the movie did a great job capturing the story.

  34. Outlander is my favorite romance. It has romance and so much more too!

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  35. okay so off top of my head, Twilight. sorry! wait, north of beautiful was gorgeous as well!

    I'm a follower and I'll let you know once I have it posted it up :D

  36. Yay I finally finished The Truth About Forever and you were right! Sarah Dessen is a great romance novel author. I'm now starting Lock & Key :)

  37. The notebook is definatly my favorite romance story, and p.s. I love you is good too. Other then those two I can't think of any! Guess I haven't read to many romance books lately. Thanks for entering me in your great giveaway!

  38. I don't read many romances. Does The Luxe count? I'm already following.

  39. The Twilight Series comes to mind. I loved that! Go Edward!
    allmycrazycats AT

  40. Just became a follower
    allmycrazycats AT

  41. I would totally recommend Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist! It has all the elements of a love story set in a modern world!

    Also, I am a follower!

  42. I'm going to get totally cheeseball and say Ocean City series by Katherine Applegate. These were from the early 90s, but are still my favorite!

    I now follow you!

    I posted this contest in the Contest bar on my blog!

  43. I'm a follower :)

    My favorite romance is probably Just Listen By Sarah Dessen

  44. I'd have to say...probably The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen, or Gone With The Wind by Margarett Mitchell.

    Both are amazing :]

  45. I just posted a comment about my favorite romance, and then I went and posted it in my blog here -

    and I'm a follower :]

  46. I just posted a comment about my favorite romance, and then I went and posted it in my blog here -

    and I'm a follower :]

  47. I love Twilight and Pride & Prejudice. I've also blogged about the contest here:

  48. I love your blog and am glad I found it. I can't become a "follower" since I'm not on Blogger but I added you to my Blogroll.

  49. My favorite "romance," in the strict sense of the word, would be Lisa Kleypas' Secrets Of A Summer Night! But my favorite book dealing with love in all its varieties would be Jhumpa Lahiri's The Namesake.

    I'd love a chance to win! Thanks :)

    Megan -- writing.meg [at]

  50. The Truth About Forever is probably my favorite but I love 'em all so its hard to choose just one.

  51. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  52. My favorite romance book is the Outlander by Gabaldon. Thanks for the giveaway! ~ :)

    sounders68 [at]

  53. Does Gone With The Wind count? or The Thornbirds?

    If you mean a "romance" romance, Practically Perfect by Katie Fforde is so sweet and fun!

    Thanks for the chance!

  54. Wow-I was going to try and respond to everyone's comments, but there's just so many! Thanks for sharing all your picks everyone!:)

  55. My FAAAVORITE romance book? That's tough. I think Nalini Singh has got the romance/intensity down. Love her Psy/Changling series. :D

    I'm a follower!

  56. Favorite romance? I can't pick. But I love Twilight, Sense and Sensibility, and This Lullaby. They are my favorites. A Walk to Remember was really good too.

  57. This is such a great contest idea!

    My favorite romance book has to be A Walk to Remember or A Great and Terrible Beauty

    I am also a follower!

    Wdebo :)

  58. First book that came to mind was P.S. I Love You, also. I won't ever even watch the movie, as I have imagined these characters in a particular way and don't want to feel "robbed" by the screen version.

    I am a follower, too.

  59. I recently found your blog through other blogs and I'm so glad I did! You have a great site.

    A book that I thought had a great love story was The Art of Racing in the Rain. It's not a YA novel but could be for almost anyone. It has a great love story between a husband and wife but also a man and his dog.

    - I'm a follower.
    - I'm adding this contest to my blog.

    Thanks for a great contest!

  60. Ok, I am going to take a cop out on the romance novel. Unfortunately I haven't read much romance lately, but I am currenly finishing the Twilight series, so that whole series is pretty romantic. So far Breaking Dawn is pretty much all romance. I wish I had something that everybody hasn't already read lately but the only other "romancey" thing I have read was This Lullaby and I wasn't a big fan.

    Oh, and I now follow you! I am so glad I found your blog from the YA Newsletter.

  61. One of my favorite love stories is "The Bridges of Madison County".
    Thanks so much,
    darbyscloset at yahoo dot com

  62. I am a follower!
    Thanks so much,
    darbyscloset at yahoo dot com

  63. My favorite romance is "Persuasion" by Jane Austen. I love Miss Elliot!

  64. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend:)


  65. Great contest!! I'd have to say my favorite romance is The Notebook.

    nhertel85 AT yahoo DOT com

  66. Follower.

    nhertel85 AT yahoo DOT com

  67. i would love to enter :)
    my fave romance novel is perfect chemistry (it's sooo good!)
    im a follower
    ive posted this on my blog (SIDEBAR):


  68. I would love to be entered. A cute romance book is Stay With Me by Garret Freyman-Weyr. I am now a follower and I posted a link in my sidebar.


  69. Please include me in your drawing. My favorite romance author is Barbara Delinsky. So anything by her is great.

  70. My favorite romance book is True Believer by Nicholas Sparks. I don't like that a character usually dies in each of his books, but he's great with romance :)

  71. I would love to be entered in this contest! My favorite romance stories are Twilight and Pride and Prejudice. Mr. Darcy makes me swoon every time.


  72. Just read the new Linda Lael Miller book Montana Creeds Logan and anything by Debbie Macomber.

  73. My favorite romance is The Shell Seakers by Rosemunde Pilcher.

  74. This Lullaby - Sarah Dessen

    Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks. I loved the movie, and of course the book was 20 times better. That is why I refuse to read The Notebook because I know it will outshine the movie, and I love the movie too much to do that. I'm a horrible reader, I know.


  75. Hello, I really like Good Girls by
    Laura Ruby! Please enter me in your delightful book giveaway drawing. Many thanks.....Cindi

  76. I am a fan/follower of your site!
    Many thanks.....Cindi

  77. I also left a post about your contest here:

  78. I don't really read that many romance books. Okay I don't usually read romance books so sue me when I say Twilight series is the best romance I've (literally) ever read. And here's a link to the blog entry I posted about your contest:
    And my name's J.J.

  79. Please enter my name in your fabulous contest. My favorite romance book is, Wuthering Heights.

  80. I love The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen, and Perfect you by Elizabeth Scott. Both were beyong amazing!

    I am a follower and I will post the link to this on my blog which is here -


  81. Wow great contest! Thanks for the opportunity! I am a follower and I put a link on my sidebar: and my favorite romance book is Shadow Kiss by Richelle Mead. LOVE DIMITRI :D

  82. I am a sap, but I love the Twilight books. Sorry!:)


  83. wow! awesome contest!
    I'm going to post about it on my blog, I follow you, AND you are in my "book blogs that rock" section! woohoo!

    P.S. My favorite YA Romance novel is probably Just Listen or How They Met and Other Stories

  84. Anything by Danielle Steel
    HobartsMama AT

  85. Follower #2
    HobartsMama AT

  86. Follower #3
    HobartsMama AT

  87. I'm not a big romance reader, but I thought that Confessions of a Serial Kisser was a fun book. I'm a follower too!!

  88. Please include me in your drawing. My favorite romance book is Twlight.

  89. My favorite romance book is The Notebook

    msboatgal at aol dot com

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. My favorite romance novel is Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. Please enter me! I am a follwer of your blog also!

  92. Enter me please!

    Favorite Romance Book: Right now it's Evermore by Alyson Noel

    I'm already a follower.

    paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com

  93. I posted about the contest here:

    And tweeted about it:

    paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com


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