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Going Too Far by Jennifer Echols

Rating: 3.5/5 Stars

Genre: Contemporary/Romance

Release Date: 3/17/2009

About the Book: When wild Meg is caught trespassing on a bridge, she gets a week shadowing a cop as punishment.

Officer John After chose to stay to enforce the rules and plans on teaching Meg a lesson.

When these two get together, they will question and push each other-and maybe end up falling for each other...

GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: I had read some great reviews on this one (check out Kiss My Book's review!) so I had high hopes for this one. The story was good and Jennifer Echols is a wonderful writer, but this one just didn't meet my high expectations.

I don't really know why I didn't like this one as much as I thought I would-I can't really put my finger on it and I wish I could. I've been waiting several days to write this review hoping it would come to me, but nothing has. That's why I have to give it a 3.5-I liked it, but I wasn't in love, but the story still held my attention and did end up being really good at the end.

The story took awhile for me to get into, but once I did I really enjoyed it. The reasons for Meg's wild actions and want to escape and John's stiffness and "follow the rules" attitude are slowly revealed throughout. John's story was a little predictable to me, but Meg's wasn't and I appreciated that. I did find myself getting annoyed at times, because like all romantic comedies/dramas, you just want to yell at the couple to talk to each other. There was a lot of romantic tension between John and Meg, so when they finally got together it was HOT!!

The thing I did like was how Ms. Echols shows that she can write anything! This is different than her other books and she excels at writing. She creates realistic teens and great snappy, witty, sassy dialog between them. I was amazed at her writing skills.

Overall, this was a good gritty romance. I would recomend this one to fans of non-fluffy romance and realistic fiction.


  1. I hate when that happens! Usually it's that I get all hyped up to read a book because everyone says it's so great, but then I feel myself being dissapointed. I did really love this book, and agree about Meg's situation. I had to do a double take because it competlely caught me off gaurd. Good review!


  2. Thanks for the review. I hate reading a book when you have really high expectations, and it turns out worse than you thought. I'm looking forward to eventually getting round to this one, because even 3.5/5 is a great score!

  3. Good review. I am sorry that you did not enjoy it that much.

  4. great review and thanks so much for linking to me!

  5. It's irking me that blue hair = wild = delinquent. I had blue streaks for a while and I plan to do them again soon, and I'm such a goody-two-shoes. :P


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