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Blog Tour: Beautiful Darkness by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl

Rating: 4/5 Stars
Genre: Paranormal

Release Date: 10/12/2010

About the Book: The Gatlin Ethan Wate knew changed when he met Lena Duchannes. Lena's sixteenth birthday has come and gone and Lena is caught between light and dark and is wracked with guilt over her uncle's death. As she starts to push Ethan away, Ethan begins to have visions that only he can see. Ethan finds himself pulled into the Caster world's dark and dangerous tunnels and it's up to Ethan to find Lena and help her save herself.

GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: Beautiful Darkness is another seductive southern Gothic offering from Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. There are many twists and turns throughout the story and plenty of delicious surprises!

The thing that made the first book, Beautiful Creatures, stand out for me were the fabulous supporting characters. And they shine again here-from Marian the librarian, to the Sisters, to the fabulous Amma, we get to see them again and they continue to steal the show. There are some new characters that we get to meet and some of the old favorites get to spend more time in the story. And there are lots of great surprises that bring Ethan's world and Lena's world together that will delight readers.

Ethan and Lena spend a lot of the book apart and Beautiful Darkness is much more Ethan's story than it is Lena's. This is the story of Ethan discovering things about his past and getting pulled further into the Caster world. Link appears a lot in this book, which I loved, and I think he's the best best friend character ever-I want a Link in real life!

We get to unwrap more layers of the Caster world and learning the magic of this world is a treat! The Caster world is enchanting and addictive and I love that we can to learn the secrets of this world along with Ethan. There are questions answered from Beautiful Creatures, but even more opened up that will whet readers appetites for more of Gatlin and the Caster world. Even though this is a hefty book, the story doesn't really seem to drag and is a pretty fast read.
Beautiful Darkness is a stand out sequel and fans will delight in the return to Gatlin and Ethan and Lena's story.

Beautiful Darkness releases on October 12, 2010

You can keep up with Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl & The Caster Chronicles at

Join the fansite Caster Girls & Boys at

Visit Little, Brown’s Beautiful Creatures website: for excerpts, downloadables, a map of Gatlin & more

Photo Credit: Vania Stoyanova

Full Disclosure: Reviewed from ARC for blog tour

Why Ethan Wate is Awesome:
-He's human-gotta love the human boys!
-He gets a summer job at the library
-He works to save his girlfriend from a Caster curse
-He's sensitive and caring and romantic (he's saved momentos from his dates from Lena-too sweet!)


  1. Great review! (I loved Link too!) I've been curious about how this one would go. It's been sitting on my shelf since BEA, guess I should give it a read!

  2. I loved this book it was an excellent follow up to the first (which was awesome in it's own right).

  3. I thought this book was absolutely amazing! See my review and giveaway on my site:


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