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Bloodthirsty by Flynn Meaney PLUS Giveaway

Rating: 3.5/5 Stars

Genre: Humor

Release Date: 10/5/2010

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About the Book: Poor Finbar. He's always lived in his athletic twin brother's shadow. Finbar is quiet, not at all athletic and can never seem to get a girl. He's pale, spends Friday nights watching chick-flicks with his mom, and he just found out he's allergic to the sun. But when he discovers that all the girls at his new school are going crazy for vampires, Finbar decides he's going to turn himself into a vampire to get girls.

GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: For anyone who is feeling burnt out on vampire books, give Bloodthirsty a try! The story is pretty funny and Finbar's attempts to transform himself and his observations about high school girls will be sure to leave readers laughing.

Finbar is a narrator who has a wry sense of humor that will resonate with readers. Not only is this one a spoof of sorts of vampire novels, it's also a look at the craziness of high school life. Plus, it's a sweet romance that romance readers are sure to enjoy. (I love when a nerdy guy can get the girl!)

It does take awhile to get to the plot moving and get to the part about Finbar becoming a vampire, but his over the top parents and sad love life keep things interesting. There are some outdated pop culture references that I wasn't sure if teen readers would really get and there are many others that will date the book quickly. At times the story seems to forget it's about a guy pretending to be a vampire-the vampire storyline seems to come and go in chapters. But it still made me laugh and is a fun take on the current vampire trend.

Bloodthirsty is a funny read and good to give readers who want a humorous take on the paranormal trend. There's lots of "guy humor" with references to boobs, sex, and girls. If you have guy readers who complain there aren't enough funny books for them, this would be a good choice. I would hand this one to readers who are fed up or don't understand their girlfriend's love of vampires!

Book Pairings: Fat Vampire by Adam Rex, The Reformed Vampire Support Group by Catherine Jinks

Giveaway Details: I've got one copy of Bloodthirsty up for grabs! Leave a comment below (with e-mail or blog link) to win!
-Contest ends tonight (10/14) at midnight (central time)
-Must be 13+ to enter

Full Disclosure: Reviewed from ARC sent by publisher for review


  1. This book looks great! I can't wait to read it...since I am SO over vampires,

  2. Sounds like a great book!

    swordsforfighting at yahoo dot com

  3. Oooohh...I was eying this book at the store yesterday!

    -Librarian Tiff
    librariantiff at gmail dot com

  4. Love the US cover. Would love to check this one out!
    LoveYALit (at) gmail (dot) com

  5. Can't wait to read this one!

    Amy S.

  6. Is this the only vampire named Finbar? I feel like my students were giggling the other day about a book we have in the library where the character's name was Finbar, and I could've sworn it was a vampire book. Of course, all preliminary searches have turned up nothing. Hmmm...

    Either way, this one sounds fun.

  7. This looks great!


  8. Would love to read this! I can be found at

  9. This book sounds really cute. I love vampires and all that jazz but it's always refreshing to have a new, creative spin on a "vampire story." Yay!
    britneywyatt at gmail dot com

  10. Looks so cute! The teens at my library can't wait to read this one.

  11. This looks cool! I can't wait to read this one. erinwal[at]

  12. I think this sounds like such a fun book!

    autumn.crochet (at) gmail. com

  13. i would love to add this book to my collection! Thanks so much!

  14. tiger_fan_1997 AT yahoo DOT com

  15. I'd love to win this book! It sounds really good! Thank you for the giveaway!
    mittens0831 at aol dot com

  16. Sounds like a perfect pick for some of my boy readers who want funny books and don't understand girls' obsession with all things vampire!!

    hzweifel at gmail dot com

  17. This sounds like a cute story, I'd love to read it.

    seriousreader at live dot com

  18. I have been seeing this book everywhere lately! I think it's time to enter to win a copy. Thanks for the giveaway!

    findjessyhere at gmail dot com

  19. Bloodthirsty sounds great. Thanks for the awesome giveaway. ^_^

    hauntingorchid (at) aol (dot) com

  20. This looks likea fun book. =]

    ihappydance at gmail . com

  21. It look like a fun book. Love the sound of it.

  22. This book looks really good!

    ako4eggs at comcast dot net

  23. Sounds funny!
    javaintheam at hotmail dot com


  24. This book sounds like a good, light read :) I love vampire spoofs, since I never bought into the whole craze, so the spoofs are hilarious. Thanks for the giveaway!

  25. I love looking at your blog and finding good books to read. I'll have to try this one since it does seem like there are a lot of vampire books out.

  26. interesting...

  27. am i 2 l8?


    I couldn't locate ur blog T-T

    keeping my fingers crossed anyway

  28. I've been seeing this one around, adn I think it looks great. Not to mention hilarious.

    Thanks for the contest!


  29. Dang! I missed the contest! It looks really good too. I am a school librarian as well. Maybe I'll get it for the library.

    adsanders77 at gmail dot com


    This book looks really funny - I'm excited to read it!

  31. I really want to read this book.. Here is my email


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