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Tween Tuesday: Goddess Girls by Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams PLUS Giveaway

Tween Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted here at GreenBeanTeenQueen to highlight great reads for tweens! Join the fun and leave your link below!

Rating: 4/5 Stars

Genre: Mythology

Release Date: Various

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About the Books: The children of Greek gods attend a special academy just for them called Mount Olympus Academy. They study everything they need to know about mortal manipulation, beauty and inventions. Each girl has a story of her own-Athena didn't know she was a goddess and she's always been the smart brainy one, but now she's behind at MOA! Persephone tries to please everyone, but when she meets bad boy Hades, she finds she can finally be herself. And Aphrodite only wanted to help out a friend, but her makeover is giving her some unwanted competition!

GreenBeanTeenQueen Says: Since Percy Jackson hit the big time, I've been combing my library for fun humorous takes on Greek mythology. I'm a big fan of the new Goddess Girls series! These books are perfect for young tweens and early readers wanting some books about Greek mythology but maybe aren't quite ready for the Percy Jackson series yet. Or even if they are older readers looking for more to read, I'm sure they'll enjoy the Goddess Girls.

Each book is fairly short and has plenty of humor. I love the way the authors modernize the characters. Medusa is the mean girl bully at school, Poseidon is the cute crush, Hades is the misunderstood loner. Each book also takes on familiar myths and explains them in a new way. We learn how Medusa got her snakes and how the Trojan War really happened.

Even though there is a series, each book can easily stand on it's own, so there's no need to read them in any particular order. A fourth Goddess Girl book is due out later this year and I can't wait. I'm passing these onto my family friends who are always looking for great books to read and I know they'll have them read in no time-they're going to love them! If you need to add more Greek mythology books to your collection, consider adding these for younger readers.

Book Pairings: These would go great with Kate McMullan's Myth-O-Mania series.

The authors of Goddess Girls are hosting a giveaway! They've got a cute Aphrodite Swag Bag up for grabs and you're going to want it! These bag has all sorts of great stuff-makeup, a bracelet, and a copy of Aphrodite the Beauty! Want to win? Leave a comment below telling me what Goddess Girl you think you would be! (And yes, you can pick one that's not in the books)

-Must be 13+ to enter

-Contest ends October 10 midnight CST

-One entry per person!

Full Disclosure: Reviewed from copies sent by author for an honest review


  1. Well I'd probably be Athena, the smart brainy one.

    seriousreader at live dot com

  2. I would be Artemis, she is more athletic and tough. I would for sure be her (although I am kind of a softie).


  3. This is the cutest series. I really want to read it. I'd probably be Athena, although I'm not as gutsy as I assume she is.
    alisoncanread at gmail dot com

  4. I'd be Hestia because I am very much a homebody.


  5. I think I'd be Athena - but most likely a blend. I've read the first two books in the series and they are great fun reads.

    mrdarcy3(@) yahoo dot com

  6. I would be Athena, also. This giveaway is so cute, thanks for doing this.

    javaintheam AT hotmail dot comt

  7. How fun! This series sounds like a great post-Percy read. I'd really want to be Athena with the brains, but might not be quite so smart. I've got a Tween Tuesday post up as well.


  8. Sarah! Thank you so much for being a Teen Queen librarian, for hosting our giveaway, and for the lovely review of Goddess Girls.

    I think I'd probably be Athena, too, but I'd like to think of myself as a blend of them all. I adore bad-boy Hades in Persephone the Phony, so, it would be fun to be her for a while. And who wouldn't like to be beautiful like Aphrodite or a great athlete like Artemis. Me, me, me!

    Without looking it up, who remembers the Roman equivalents of our Greek goddessgirls: Athena, Persephone, Aphrodite, and Artemis?

  9. I would definitely want to be Athena--well, I DID skip my last year of high school.

  10. Well since I'm drinking pomegranate juice, I'll be Hera.
    d.septer at

  11. I would be Hestia.
    nancysoffice at gmail dot com

  12. I'm partial to Aphrodite. meltay at

  13. Aphrodite! No...Athena! No...Artemis!, shoot! I need the books to decide! Thanks for the give-away!

  14. Thanks for hosting! I'm definitely an Athena, though with a bit of Persephone's light and dark moods. I hope the giveaway winner enjoys the swag!

  15. I love love love the series! I have to say I would be a mix of Aphrodite and Persephone! Im a mini Aphie but also have a sweet Persephone side<3


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